MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Does anyone have an actual opinion on th...

Does anyone have an actual opinion on the movie itself....

.....or are these boards just some nerdy 'Marvel' vs 'DC' hissy fit contests (concerned only with comparing Box-Office receipts?) It's little wonder that the makers of these movies treat their target audience with such contempt.......when this is how the actual 'fanbase' conduct themselves?


it's a comicbook movie... they're all pretty much the same... it's like people fanatically comparing mcdonalds vs burger king... or coke and pepsi...


Theres a few posts talking about the actual quality of the film, but youll really have to look for them.


if you think the makers of these movies "treat their target audience with such contempt" *, than you already have an opinion on these movies.

Share it.

* indeed, WB treats the DC fanbase as shit.


Just got out of the was better than that last SUPERMAN VS BATMAN travesty (but then I guess 'Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever' is better than the 'Ebola Virus'?)

But I do chuckle when people around here gloat "It's only made $90m in it's opening weekend"


"But I do chuckle when people around here gloat "It's only made $90m in it's opening weekend"

I chuckle at folks that chuckle at such things. They obviously don't know how the movie business works.


So I guess that means you're chuckling at me (chuckling at others) who bemoan that this movie only took (quote) $90 million on it's opening weekend?
Nothing to do with (quote) "How The Movie Business Works".....but more in line with my original question (Or are you saying this film won't make a profit.....and then some?) Of course, you're going to get contrasting box office......but I don't think the Superheroes concerned here will ever be short of support in future endevours......Do you?

You could put such Superheroes on the stockmarket....and I'll bet your next-born child that both Superman and Batman would easily outsell any Marvel character (regardless of current Box-Office terms of overall revenue) I guess your reply perfectly sums up my original point.....being (unless your an executive for each respective studio) that
the box-office matters little......leave that shit to the money-men, amigo.....Just enjoy the product


chuckle chuckle


Oh, now I get're a prick


( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)


Couldn't agree more.


I am about as neutral a reviewer as you are going to find, here, I will summarize it for you.

It starts just as bad and cluttered as BvS but it gets better. Still, with one of the worst if not the worst villain ever in a superhero movie, who looks like 90’s CGI, you can’t get THAT much better. Cyborg also looks just as bad.

A strong point in the movie (more like THE strong point) is when superman shows up, yet even then it is so damaged by the moustache CGI that I couldn’t even enjoy it properly.

Sadly, at the same time the movie is getting fun, especially the final act, the bad CGI starts showing up everywhere, the environment, etc. It just looks cartoonish and bad, it is also hurt a bit more by really generic action scenes and jokes that never really land. There are only like 3 or 4 times in the movie where you would legitimately laugh and I think more than one was spoiled by the trailers.

All in all, the movie is a mess and the CGI plus darkish Snyder style theming really hurt it even more but it has genuine good ideas behind its horribleness. Joss Whedon attempts to bring back a superman like Christopher Reeve, all smiles, extremely powerful, bad jokes, saves the day, etc. Too bad it just was too little too late.

The movie is better than BvS and Suicide Squad but at the same time is dragged down by those two movies and also the overall low quality. I swear I’ve seen better special effects in Smallville.

As for the acting? As bad as you’d expect and Gal Gadot, the best thing in this movie generally, still manages to have one of the worst acted lines in movie history. “KAL EL NOoooooo!!!”

Ben Affleck looks like a bottoxed disaster.

Khal Drogo was fun, he was good, too bad the character he plays is useless.

Cyborg.... generic CGI fest that really ends up betraying the original character in a way because now it just seems like an Iron Man clone made with CGI. How can Iron Man still look so good from 2008 and Cyborg look like crap here?


I saw it and would firmly give the movie a D+. To see why I gave it that, head over to my YouTube page:
