it's interesting to see how many people have bought into the corporate narrative that trolls killed imdb message boards... they didn't...
the boards were closed because IMDB makes money selling subscriptions to their pro IMDB site... those guys were either indifferent to the message board part of imdb or didn't like hearing negative things about their movies... So, it's easier for IMDB to sell subscrptions without having boards that trash their clients products... Secondarily, without the boards it is easier for the studios to control the narrative of how the movie is received as people will check imdb, but won't see any message boards... IMDB made zero money off of cinephiles so they are collateral damage...
The troll excuse is just a pretext for more corporate control and to give a more professional, sanitised and polished looking product to their IMDBpro subscribers... They needed to be seen as responding to racist, hater trolls, otherwise they'd be accused of censorship... It was a masterful move by their PR and marketing team... It's brilliant what they do...