Good Movie!
It was actually a decent movie!
It was a fresh approach to a Vietnam movie, avoided cliches (much like what Tropic Thunder was satarizing) and was really personal and intimate in sets, characters, and perspective -
It was fair and had a voice on both sides of the conflict in the movie - everyone had micro-achievements yet at the end of the film, nobody won (really said something).
I've happily taken part in bashing Uwe for his console game movies - HOWEVER - he indeed received positive critical success very early in his career, destroyed video games (because they were ambitious, beyond him creatively, and had poor scripts) - -
Yet, Postal? That movie was all kinds of wonderful cheasy, *beep* It gave you EXACTLY what it promised - - ridiculous and over the top laughs! It was funny every time it tried to be!
**** Uwe will absolutely make *beep* movies in the future. He will ruin something, and it will either be BAD, or "good bad" in a funny and entertaining way - -- but Postal, and Tunnel Rats were two great films, and I don't doubt for a second that he will make more some day*********