Good Movie!


It was actually a decent movie!

It was a fresh approach to a Vietnam movie, avoided cliches (much like what Tropic Thunder was satarizing) and was really personal and intimate in sets, characters, and perspective -

It was fair and had a voice on both sides of the conflict in the movie - everyone had micro-achievements yet at the end of the film, nobody won (really said something).

I've happily taken part in bashing Uwe for his console game movies - HOWEVER - he indeed received positive critical success very early in his career, destroyed video games (because they were ambitious, beyond him creatively, and had poor scripts) - -

Yet, Postal? That movie was all kinds of wonderful cheasy, *beep* It gave you EXACTLY what it promised - - ridiculous and over the top laughs! It was funny every time it tried to be!

**** Uwe will absolutely make *beep* movies in the future. He will ruin something, and it will either be BAD, or "good bad" in a funny and entertaining way - -- but Postal, and Tunnel Rats were two great films, and I don't doubt for a second that he will make more some day*********


Yes this movie was amazing I Rented it from blockbuster today and wow! I have to buy this on DVD now. It's intense and the violent scenes just hit you it's an emotional film

The World Will Look Up And Shout "Save Us!" And I'll Whisper...Why So Serious?!


Love this film. Whatever about whether the facts or straight, the film was a blast to watch and really well made and violent. Great film and Boll's best film.

What do you think of oil?
Nothing without vinegar.
