MovieChat Forums > Tunnel Rats (2009) Discussion > I will put this simply... *beep* THIS MO...

I will put this simply... *beep* THIS MOVIE! (and spoilers)

I would like to first say that Uwe Bowl should die in a fire, and I HOPE he dies in a fire. This movie was SOOOOO obviously anti-American:

1.) Us hanging one of their soldiers is portrayed as "murder" in this movie.

2.) The only good character in the movie, the Lieutenant, is made out to be an emotionless assh*le.

3.) The Americans die in just about every horrible way possible. Bamboo stick through the neck, drowning, mercilessly stabbed to death with a bayonet, death by pit of spikes, stabbed and abdomen sliced wide open till death, set on fire, blown up, shot.

4.) The Vietnamese soldiers are fighting the EVIL Americans for "honor."

5.) Quote: "I saw three American soldiers rape a Vietnamese women and I didn't do anything about it, now I just want to kill all Americans blah blah blah..." More bullsh*t to make Americans look bad.

6.) American soldiers calling the Vietcong chinks and *beep* signifying that American soldiers are racists.

And what the *beep* is up with the end of the movie? "Oh, no, I'm not going to shoot you, I just want to get out of here!" I would have shot that bitch in the legs, shot her children in front of her, then taken out my butter-knife and sawed the sick bitches head off. Yes, I actually would have done that in the guys position. I SWEAR IT. I was insanely pissed while watching this movie. I wanted to literally get up and punch a hole in the wall.

I'm guessing Uwe Bowl is eating some bald eagle and drinking the blood of an American virgin while watching some American beheadings with his old buddy Kim Jong.

In conclusion, one of the worst movies I have ever seen.


Amen brother! Uwe is a damned idiot. What really pissed me off was the interview he did in the DVD "extras." He called us hepling South Vietnam an "American invasion." I'd love to confront the SOB and give him a piece of my mind.



Before the sacred memory of the heroism of American soldiers now living and dead who served in Vietnam and decisively defeated an evil, bloodthirsty enemy, only to be betrayed by the politicians at the peace table and huddled in the safety of Congress; in their honor, I say, may Uwe Boll and the legions of ignorant, soulless, treasonous, stinking fellow travelers burn in hell forever. I spit on them.

The REAL Tunnel Rats were American, Australian, and New Zealander skilled specialists who kicked ass and were much feared by the enemy. Throw this movie in the garbage and get a little bit of the real story at
