The Crucifixion scene

Am I the only one who thought this scene was ridiculous?

I mean, we've seen the hero getting crucified before, from the original Conan (and from the story "A Witch Shall be Born") to the Sword & The Sorceror, to End of Days. I thought it was anachronistic and over the top. I thought it was especially absurd that Solomon could uncrucify himself as well. His crucifiers were really inept.


Am I the only one who thought this scene was ridiculous?


I thought it was anachronistic and over the top. I thought it was especially absurd that Solomon could uncrucify himself as well. His crucifiers were really inept.

(playing Devil's Advocate here)

While I'd argue the "anachronism" was due to Malachi's henchmen having a sick sense of humour, I do think there's an actual reason that his crucifixion was so inept - Kane was already drunk and demoralized, so his would-be executioners saw no reason to give that much effort to making sure he could get off the cross.

I could've done without it, though, especially since it has *another* major Robert E. Howard hero getting crucified when originally it was just Conan, and it might lead people to think Howard had some sort of thing for crucifying his protagonists.


What bothers me is that if Kane was able to rip his hands straight through the nails to begin with, he wouldn't have been on the cross for very long anyway. They should have at least secured him with ropes as well. It's only one step above that idiotic scene in "The Sword and the Sorceror" where the hero pulls out the nail with his hand himself.


Yeah, but they were kind enough to belt him about the waist. Mighty Medieval of them.


He had a rope around his waist but that was weird too because he easily untied it. I think it's supposed to be God helping him since he prays for strength right before that.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!
