MovieChat Forums > Solomon Kane (2012) Discussion > can we skip origin tales from now on!

can we skip origin tales from now on!

This film was OK, Purefoy really saves it but why do we always have to dedicate a first film (in this case only) to an origin tale? Especially when Robert E. Howard never wrote one to begin with. I would have preferred Solomon riding into town or wherever, saving the day & leaving as mysterious as he came. Perhaps just a talk with a character like the one he had here with Meredith's father for some back ground. The sequel would have been this way but we won't get those now.

This goes for comic book adaptations too. Quick recap of origin then move on. Don't need a whole long explanation especially when it's already been done before.

I've seen the future and I've left it behind.


You did better than I did. I couldn't make even halfway.


At least unlike most origin stories Solomon starts out as a badass right from the beginning.


Amen to that. At least it wasn't John Carter, where he starts out a selfish jerk and remains a whiny moper throughout.

That said I sort of agree that the origin story is never the most interesting part of the tale, even though I enjoyed Solomon Kane and Purefoy's performance. Sometimes you want to just jump in and not have to hear how the guy became who he is. Most movies before didn't bother with the origin (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Die Hard, even Dr. No and the first Star Wars) they just jumped in and told the story without having to explain who this guy is. Now when the origin is done right then I'm OK with it (Superman The Movie is probably the best example) but it has been done to death recently.

Interfere? Of course we should interfere! Always do what you're best at, that's what I say.



No origin tale? Then everyone whines about lack of character development.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
