the world should end solely because of the kid...
because kids like jayden smith's character are allowed to be born. annoying as hell. lol
sharebecause kids like jayden smith's character are allowed to be born. annoying as hell. lol
sharethat's funny ... sometimes I think I agree. but then I see Jennifer.
sharei came on this board to only complain about how awful a person this kid is. He embodies everything that is wrong with our culture. i don't need to state all the things wrong with him, as it's been thoroughly covered here, but i'm so happy to see that others find his behavior deplorable. thank you for restoring my faith in my fellows showing that you too do not tolerate terrible people.
shareon the movie is he real son of Jennifer? what happens to his father?
shareThe kid is initially quite annoying but this is understandable as he's an archetype for what humankind is: an annoying, untrusting, and overly-simplistic child-race. His sudden change into "maturity" represents how abruptly humanity needs to "grow-up." This helps make sense of the kid's repeated statements about killing Klaatu, which were magnified by the media's slander of Klaatu as a very dangerous escaped convict. Klaatu's strange and powerful antics helped feed this negative mindset in the boy. As for the kid's dead father, the boy was only 9 years old and understood his father to be a soldier. Why wouldn't he have a mythical impression that he killed 'bad guys' for a living, likely with his bare hands?
shareGood post, Wuchakk! I did LOL at the OP's subject line though. And I found myself yelling at my TV when the kid called the 800 number and ratted on Klaatu. Plus I had the same thoughts as the OP, that the kid epitomized exactly what was wrong with mankind, etc. Durn kids these days!! :-)
Morse's Law: There's always time for one more pint.
The title blurb of your post is funny though! Thanks for the laugh