So why did they not...?

Destroy human life?

"There is another side to you" Really? What happened? Apparently Jennifer Connelly's character did something so profound that they go from killing every human on the planet to sparing us. All I recall was her and another fellow scientist driving him to Central Park and her pleading to save the boy.....she also comforted him at the cemetery. Was that it? I mean, they appeared to know a lot about humans......I'd assume they know most humans are protective of their young. Seeing mom (step-mom) concerned about their child shouldn't have been shocking to them.

So, what occurred in that last 10 minutes that caused the change? "There is another side to you."?

I thought the most convincing persuasion was the scholarly scientist man saying.....we are at that point now, give us a chance to change as you did. That was more convincing than any of the other stuff.


I agree completely. I thought maybe I had missed something, but evidently I didn't.


I agree as well. Logic didnt seem to work, yet a PDA session with the hot chick and her step son was a home run? We demonstrated nothing! The US govt tried to kill him, more than once, and even in the face of extinction we still show our arrogance as a species. I agree that we need to change but you know we never will because its easier the way we're doing it now. History shows us that people are lazy and complacent. They should have just wiped us out and perhaps kept a few thousand of us alive so that we can start again -biblical style that is. Its harsh but we have forgotten how to respect nature for what it gives us. Instead we think we have 'tamed it' and in reality it can kill us with little or no effort. If this had been real, we would have been exterminated....

R E S I S T A N C E IS F U T I L E !


What u can't get over, these inter galactic cops could have come 50 years earlier and told us "Hey humans, you are destroying the world, we are a million years ahead of you, if you don't change your lifestyle, we'll come back in 50 years and make you extinct"?



It was the idea of self-sacrifice, sacrificial love and a passion for one's life and the lives of those whom you love that Klatu, the representative of those civilizations around us was not expecting to encounter.

They thought of us as self-destructive and poor hosts of the world that was given to us. They thought they were doing us a favor by killing us.
