Am I the only one that noticed?

Keanu Reeves is left-handed but appears to be right-handed in the movie especially when he's writing on the chalk board. I'm left-handed and I know I can write right-handed on a chalk board but not on paper. I can use my right hand for almost anything I need to. I wonder if 'Klaatu' being right-handed was intentional or just something Keanu adapted to for the part because of camera angles and things of that nature.


Jack Lemmon was right-handed and once pretended he was left-handed for a movie. So, probably, Keanu just wanted to have fun and portray a character as right-handed. (Although Lemmon was a quadrillion times better in acting than Keanu.)

"A voice from behind me reminds me. Spread out your wings you are an angel."


@Itarex - I never knew that. Which movie?


It was one of a series of 5 films shown as part of Kraft Television Theatre filmed between 1949 and 1953


There is some baseball movie where a right-handed actor is playing a real-life left-handed person. I believe they filmed him pitching right-handed, and reversed the film. I can't remember what the move is, though...or who the actor was...or who the ball player was.


The movie is Field of Dreams. Ray Liotta batted right-handed. Shoeless Joe Jackson was a left-handed batter who threw with his right.


In the movie about Lou Gehrig called "The Pride of the Yankees" which was made in 1942, less than a year after Gehrig died of ALS, Gary Cooper plays the title character. Gehrig was a left-handed hitter and Cooper was right-handed. I believe that they shot him hitting right-handed and reversed it for the film. Even then he looks awkward. If you have ever seen any film of Gehrig batting, you would notice how clumsy Cooper looks in comparison.


I suspect he thought that it would be an excellent way to depict another aspect of a being that still isn't comfortable in the body it inhabits. Making yourself write with your "other" hand will be awkward and messy.


I can't write with my left hand at all...including chalkboard.


I noticed it the minute he began to write on the chalk board.

But I guess it is not uncommon for lefties that they might write with their right hand, too. I have a colleague who is a leftie but who writes with his right hand in between. It is quite funny to watch when he starts with his left hand and switches to his right hand in the middle of a sentence.

I guess Keanu wrote with his right hand because it is more common for human beings.


I guess I'd be called left handed but I can do most things with both hands. However, if I was a cowboy I'd wear two guns. To draw and fan the hammer I'd draw left handed. To cock the hammer while drawing I'd draw right handed.

I started playing drums left handed but then was taught right handed. I was taught guitar right handed from the beginning.

P.S. I never tried writing on a black board right handed, but for a while I did crossword puzzles right handed. It was hard work and I got headaches from it but I think it was a good mental exercise.


I guess I'd be called left handed but I can do most things with both hands. However, if I was a cowboy I'd wear two guns. To draw and fan the hammer I'd draw left handed. To cock the hammer while drawing I'd draw right handed

You do realize that "fanning the hammer" of a western revolver is largely a movie thing, right?


I didn't know that, but that doesn't matter. I was making the point of how I'm ambidextrous.


I didn't know that, but that doesn't matter. I was making the point of how I'm ambidextrous.

Ahh. Fair enough.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.


I'd give my left arm to be ambidextrous.


Yes you are.


I think because it makes for a better shot. He would have to reach across his body if he was using his left hand. He was on the left side so using his right hand made the shot easier especially when he was crossing out what the dr. wrote.

To Boldly Go Where Phil Coulson Has Gone Before


I am a leftie. I can do almost anything right handed and left handed, except write. The problem with writing on the blackboard or on a dry erase board, is that the normal, leftie way of writing has me dragging my hand across and over everything I write. As a teacher, in order to write on a board without blotting out what I am writing as I write, I have to lift the back half of my fist (the pinky) end off the board. It is a pain in the butt and is very tiring after a while, like if you have to do multiple takes. No matter howm much I try, I cannot write with my right hand. Printing with my write hand is possible, because printing allows me to lift my hand more often, it still looks really bad though.

