MovieChat Forums > The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) Discussion > Wow. Nicholas Cage is freaking HOTT in t...

Wow. Nicholas Cage is freaking HOTT in this!

I've always found him attractive and handsome but damn.. he is gorgeous in this!!


his sexual aura is off the charts


I'm not sure how hot he is, but he's definitely fun in the role, as he is in most roles. It's a shame that the box office failure of this film seemed to have a lot to do with his banishment to the Hollywood hinterlands for a while. It was not a great movie, but it wasn't bad either, certainly not bad enough to play a key role in Nic mostly doing straight-to-video movies for a decade.


I don't think this was the last nail in his coffin. His coffin was filled with lots of tiny nails. I love this movie. Predictable, forgettable as it is. I really like the other lead guy too. Keen as for nicks big comeback picture though.


It's hard to pinpoint exactly where things started to go wrong, but I like to mark Bangkok Dangerous as the starting point. However, he did Knowing right after that and it did surprisingly well at the box office.

Not counting animated stuff, after Knowing he made Bad Lieutenant, which I don't think did well financially, but it only got a small release so how could be expected to? At least the critics liked it.

Then he did Kick Ass, which was a hit, and then Sorcerer's Apprentice (financial failure), Season of the Witch (it did okay but not great), and then Drive Angry (bombed).

It seems like if there was a final nail, it was Drive Angry. This, for me, is when he officially begins his phase as a DVD darling.


Can't disagree. I like all those movies though.


Season of the Witch is underrated in my opinion. While I didn't like the Hollywood CGI finale, I thought that overall it was a well-made and atmospheric medieval fantasy film.

Knowing was also an interesting sci-fi movie by Alex Proyas, who is himself also underrated.


Completely agree with everything you just said, again.


I hated Knowing. I found it incredibly boring and kept falling asleep, lol! I was surprised to see it was doing well at the box office.


SPP, it feels like long time, no talk. I was going through my books the other day and ran across The Taking and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and thought of you.

Anyway, I enjoyed Knowing well enough. I wouldn't call it a GREAT film but it was interesting and imaginative. The director, Alex Proyas, I think is probably a bit underrated. I've enjoyed everything I've seen from him, at least somewhat. (Yes, even Gods of Egypt.)


Hello Prime! It has been a while. How are you doing? 😊 What are you reading these days?

I have been told I should give it another chance. Maybe I will add it to my list and watch it again. I love Nicolas Cage and want to give his movies a chance but his movies are very hit and miss. Still, I continue to watch out for him.


Currently I'm in the middle of Hallowe'en Party by Agatha Christie. After that I am thinking I will fulfill my lifelong to-do list entry of getting started on Lord of the Rings. I ordered the trilogy the other day.

What about you, what are you reading? One day you'll have to give me another recommendation. You're 2-0 so far in my book.

As for Nicky, I feel like he is finally working his way out of straight-to-video land and doing some interesting projects again. Have you seen this trailer yet?


Oh my goodness. I haven't read any other Agatha Christie novel besides And Then There Were None. I need to get on that. I read the LotR trilogy back in high school but I would love to read them again. Fantastic books!

I went thru a Dean Koontz phase and read quite a bit of his works. Are you a John Grisham fan? If so The Testament is a good one!

I have seen that with Nic, sad when they go to paycheck movies mostly but considering his financial troubles in the past I guess it's not too surprising. Hopefully he can get that turned around and start doing some better work again.

I had not seen that trailer but now that I have I can't wait for that! Looks fantastic! Yay Nic!!


You should definitely check out more Agatha Christie. This is maybe the seventh book of hers I've read. While some have been better than others, I haven't read one yet that I outright didn't enjoy at all. While you're at it, also check out the TV series Poirot, with David Suchet, which ran just a few months shy of an astounding 25 years.

Maybe at some point I'll loop back around the Dean Koontz and read more of his stuff. As for Grisham, I didn't try once to read The Firm and it just didn't work for me. I do enjoy some of the films though, especially The Rainmaker.

As for Nic, some of the better films of his over the past few years were Joe, Pig, Color Out of Space, The Trust and Renfield. Though I certainly haven't seen everything he put out in that time so I may be missing something. I've heard good things about Mandy as well but haven't gotten to that one yet.


Hey! Sorry it took me so long to reply.

I will definitely start on Agatha Christie. I have a list that I am slowly going through and I think I'll start with And Then There Were None just because I only read it once so long ago 😊 I have thought about watching Poirot mainly because I love Kenneth Brannaugh's take on the character in Murder on the Orient Express (2017) and I am a fan of David Suchet. Thanks for the recommendation! Geez I can't believe it's been on that long, obviously for good reason!

I have read quite a few of John Grisham's books and although they center around lawyers and good versus evil in many of them, The Testament is different from his others. More of a redemption story I guess you could say.

Pig and Renfield are the 2 I added to my list of Nic's movies to watch but I'll add the others you mentioned. I watched Adaptation recently and LOVED it!


I've read seven Christie books so far, including And Then There Were None, and have enjoyed them all. They always go down smoothly and are the right length for my slow reading pace.

Poirot was an enormous achievement. I believe that over the life of the series that they adapted every Poirot novel and maybe even all of the short stories as well. (If it wasn't all of the short stories, it was almost all of them.) And Suchet played the character all the way through to the end. Suchet's portrayal of Poirot is much different from Branagh's but it's also much more faithful to Agatha's description.

Maybe at some point I'll have to check out The Testament. I did enjoy some of the film adaptations of Grisham's work, though they were hit-and-miss. The Rainmaker was excellent and A Time to Kill was very good, too.

I saw Adaptation many years ago, back around the time it was first released. It's certainly an interesting film and Nic's performance is excellent.
