MovieChat Forums > The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) Discussion > First, There Was 'Little Women'... 'Then...

First, There Was 'Little Women'... 'Then Little Men'...

... now along comes "Little Children"... the sage of whiners and complainers about someone's voice and acting. Get over it, boys and girls... there's no such thing as the perfect movie!... not any more, anyways. Get past what you little rugrats don't like and don't post your petty peeves upon us. These boards are for questions and discussions... such as: "Did you like the movie?" "No." End of post. As Captain Pike said to James T. Kirk... "I dare you to do better."

Sure his voice was a little annoying...

Sure the acting was subpar...

Sure the... yada, yada, yada!

Sure it could have been better... but it wasn't so go soak your heads in Johnson's Baby Shampoo and get over it. Didn't like the movie? Ask for your money back! Didn't pay for it?... then shut the f_ck up!


hahaha same thing could be said about the complainers who complain about the complainers.

rather than discussing this movie you do the exact thing you complain about.

take your own advice and shut the F up!



ahhh YOU must be a complainer of the complainers!!! typical hypocrite ... nuff said ...



i hate it when im right too which is very often and when it comes to you ... yep, im right.
