Stupid Romantic Subplot

So the plot of the movie was cute and fun... but seriously... what's with these mediocre (but fun) action movies with boring, generic, usually blonde girls?

I really wasn't feelin it, no chemistry. Might as well not have had a romantic subplot.


You might not have been feeling it
but i was.The romantic subplot is
what saves this movie.


Nothing saves this movie.

. . . . .
"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." - The Forger


i think since it was a kid's movie it was an obligation to throw something in, just to lighten the atmosphere. they probably didn't focus too much on it since it's not ACTUALLY about her, and that's why nobody really got the chemistry.

Some of us find Salvation in Nothing.


Romantic subplots always suck.


the romantic subplot is supposed to go against the actual story of the movie to cause conflict. the girl works an an anti-hero in a way in this movie because she distracts dave and prevents him from succeeding in learning magic. she is also a supporter since she helps him in the end and makes him happy.

the girl is more important to the story than what most people realize. if you take away the romantic subplot the movie will be even more boring because there wouldn't be any conflicts in the movie, and dave's character will be more one dimensional than it already is.

you need to realize that this is a classic typical 5 acts hollywood movie with traditional arc story and resolution. if you want something smart, then watch the matrix, memento, or eternal sunshine and a spotlessmind, and please don't complain about how they suck because you dont get them


Agreed, movie would have been better to leave out the nerd getting the hot blonde routine... good movie but it was irritating to watch

-This is me i'll kick your ass!-


The romance was so cliche... the main character is sooo stupid. People who uses 100% of their brain shouldn't act like a retard.


I think the point was that he was learning to use 100% of his brain.

Anyways, even all that intelligence won't get you far when it comes to matters of the heart :)


Yeah, the romantic subplot was a distraction but not to the point where the film suffered. Besides, it is a Walt Disney family, so the light romantic subplot goes with that.

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I didnt mind the romance... but..
Agree with the OP.

I wonder if film makers will realize someday that hot blondes, pretty, hot chicks will not make the movie more interesting but only to empty brained lustful dudes.

And interesting romantic love affair would be better if DaveĀ“s love interest is a normal girl, probably as dumb and unlucky as him.

She doesnt need to be ugly (I know, no one wants an ugly girl) but at leats she can be cute, smart something different than a hot blonde.

But, thats not the male major dream: they want to get the hottest youngest a prettier chick.

An ugly, but more interesting girl, is not a goal to a guy like Dave.

Do you recognize my voice...?


what I didn't like was that because she believes in him he suddenly believes in himself and finds the power within to be the Prime Merlinian? He couldn't, oh I don't know, have found his own strength without her? If that had been a girl who had found her strength because a guy loved her people would be screaming bloody murder!

I was also a little bothered that both Horvath and Balthazar were fighting over the same girl too. Why is it if you have a group of 3 people, 2 guys and a girl they two guys have to fight over the girl?

Bobby: "Did you know my first girlfriend turned out to be a-?"


I suppose you also hated Super 8?


'I was also a little bothered that both Horvath and Balthazar were fighting over the same girl too. Why is it if you have a group of 3 people, 2 guys and a girl they two guys have to fight over the girl? '

Me too. Why couldn't they have Horvath or Balthazar do something more vengeance worthy? Veronica was sweet and all, but worth 1,000 years of war? Hmm...


The sorcerer war started before Veronica made her choice. The time following was for finding the Prime Merlinian to destroy Morgana, not for resolving the romantic triangle. The two goals just happened to coincide because of the Fusion spell.
Yes, I suppose the boys could have called a truce during that time, and maybe they did for a while. We don't know that the hostilities were continuous. All we know is that the triangle was still a source of tension between them even into the present era.


Good point.I should have stated mine better. I was alluding more to the fact that a different point of tension like say a murder, loss of limb or perhaps some humiliation would have made a better motive.


Murder of loss of limb? This was a nice PG family film.


Love is also a more noble motivation, with positive connotations.


Teresa Palmer isn't generic, she is smoking and was the only reason I kept watching the movie.
