Does Mickey Mouse and the Walking Sweeping Brushes appear in this ?
If this is a movie version of Fantasia then I expect them to be in this.
If this is a movie version of Fantasia then I expect them to be in this.
The brooms do appear in this, having the same role they did in Fantasia (Wants to clean up without actually doing the work so takes the easy way out and it gets out of control)
And Mickey's hat from Fantasia makes an appearance at one point. Not Mickey himself though.
Do the brooms get chopped up and turn into even more brooms like in Fantasia ?
By the way, this is not meant to be a re-boot of Fantasia, by any means. It was only meant to be similar to the ONE SCENE in the movie. No dancing hippos/ostriches/crocodiles. An sorcerer's apprentice who wants to get a job done, but doesn't want to do the work. And no, the brooms don't get chopped up and multiply.