Duh... thanks for the info, Melvin. Gone to any Trekkie conventions lately? Obviously you've never heard of stating an urban legend as truth, and trying to get away with it. Baltazar only ASKS whether or not Dave's heard that humans only use 10% of their brains, but the writers make it seem like a truth, even though he was only asking. The person that posted the "error" in the "Goofs" section, pointed it out that Balthazar STATED that humans only use 10% of their brains. I changed it to, that he was merely asking whether or not Dave had heard of the legend. It's like what Clinton said... that all depends on what the definition of is, is. Please read all the pertinent posts before posting such idiotic drivle. I know what an Urban Legend is, dummy. And you actually proved that I was right in correcting the goof in the goofs section, by stating that it's more like 20%. But I wasn't really correcting the legend... I was correcting the poster's assumption that Balthazar was stating that figure as fact. The audience will take what he said as fact, even by only asking whether Dave has heard of the legend.
00:29:17,922 --> 00:29:21,790
Kidding. You've heard how people use
only 10°% of their brains?
00:29:22,093 --> 00:29:24,994
Sorcerers can manipulate matter
because they're born with the capability
00:29:25,029 --> 00:29:27,088
to use the entire power of their brains.