SA could happen

Well, I really like this movie. I am a big fa of Jay's, so maybe I am just hoping. But if you look at trends and most watched movies "online" it is one of the most popular movies as of 2012 (that's of all time).

I know that it depends on profits the movie made, but it did make a profit. At this point, the movie has built a huge following. I honestly think that an SA2 would turn a big profit. I for one, would pay thrice just to see it. It's basically like all those other "cult hits" that end up being popular after their release. A lot of them end up getting a sequel down the road, so I am hoping that this gets one sooner than that.

What do you think the chances are that there will be an SA 2?

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Oh, I hope so, too. Look at Tron, it took 28 years but it finally got a sequel.


I'll go see it

A Marine's Daughter
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Chances are 100%. It's foreshadowed a little at the end of the movie when Dave picks up Horvath's hat and hangs it on the fence (puts forth the idea that the hat still has importance).. But at the VERY end - after the credits - you see the hat sitting on a desk, then Horvath's silhouette walks by and picks it up.. Pretty much tells you flat out that they intend to make another one.


Lots of movies do that, it depends on how much money they make and how popular the movie is as to whether they make a sequel or not.

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The movie cost to much and made to little. No sequel will happen.

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time...
Film Reverie:
