MovieChat Forums > The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) Discussion > Indiana Jones Two-Way Easter Egg

Indiana Jones Two-Way Easter Egg

Just realised something while re-watching this, that I hadn't fully realised before.

When Dave is in Drake Stone's apartment, there's a moment where he finds the grimhold on a pedestal in front of him, and is concerned that if he takes it, he'll set off a booby trap. He grabs it anyway, and is visibly relieved when nothing sinister happens.

I'm sure many of you will have realised that this scene is in fact a funny little re-enactment of a classic scene from Indian Jones and the Lost Ark, where Indy quickly swaps a golden idol on a pedestal with a pouch of sand, only to set off a trap anyway that starts to destroy the entire structure around him.

It goes further than that though. Horvath is played by Alfred Molina, and Alfred Molina was actually in that very scene in Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark. He was Indy's accomplice, the guy who ran off with the golden idol, leaving Indiana Jones for dead, only to die to a boobie trap himself a few moments later.

I'm sure some of you already made these connections. I just thought this two-way easter egg was awesome. Makes me wonder if there are any other hidden little secrets in the movie :)


Ha! I just watched this movie for the first time and noticed that. He actually places his hand on the pedestal as a counterweight too.
Totally skipped my mind that young Alfred Molina was there for the real deal. Nice catch!


Every man's dream to die in a "boobie" trap.


I noticed them reference star wars with the obi wan force gimmick when Molina is at the school and also fantasia with the mops and the water too
