Networking goof

I already submitted this to IMDB over a month ago, but I guess they don't care. It's not the first time either, so F them in the A. Anyway, Robinson tells Dolan to go to an IP address that ends in 666. IP address octets only go from 0-255.


I'm not sure but IPv6 would allow for that. The question then probably becomes how does a IPv4 looking address transfer to an IPv6 address and such for it to make sense.


IPv6 addressing looks much different than IPv4 (see examples 1). And it is not generally used in the US. The OP is right, the address with a .666 is a goof. Each segment of the IPv4 addressing space represents 8 bits and can only store up to 2^8 different numbers. Since it is 0 based, the number in each segment can be anywhere from 0-255. If he really wanted to be clever he could have made the address Still in the private network address space and it keeps the 666 joke in there.

"This is where you pucker up and kiss my ass." -A.D. Skinner


It wasn't an error, the film makers were trying to be clever with the 666 reference.

Like everything else in the film, this gimmick failed desperately. All it did was take you out of being involved with the film/story, and force the audience to realize "hey i'm watching a movie"



As someone pointed out, you can just have a DNS lookup that redirects .666 to a real ip.

And he dug the hole with a backhoe, not exactly backbreaking, although he was worse off in the original story.


Networking error? It was simple symbolism.
