robert loggia as dolan while reading the short story?..i kinda thought of ed harris as the distraught husband... just a thought,,, who agrees robert loggia would make a better mobster than christian slater...?
in my imagination, dolan didn't look like slater at all. but i'm sure he's the right man for the part, despite recent movie slip-outs, the man's got a remarkable talent to play bad guys. robert loggia is too old for the part, if you ask me.
Oh wow... Ed Harris is EXACTLY who I pictured as Robinson... and I thought I was the only one! Personally, I'd rather have Slater playing the husband,instead of Dolan, as I imagine so much of the movie is going to be narrated or a bit of a 'one-man-show'. Ah well, I'm just glad to see it being made-- it's by far my favorite SK short story, oddly enough.
sounds like sweet erica and i got the same taste in books, hit me up sometime .. as for who robert loggia is look up his imdb profile,, or watch the episode of family guy where peter is stuck behind him at the airport.. lol,, he is the guy real mobster shoot at just in case,, he plays a mobster in almost every movie he appears in,,
' second star to the right,, and straight on 'til morning"
Loggia was a really good choice. I think they wanted someone with a more reconginizable name, despite the age difference. Hopefully Christian Slater does it right, he's a great actor.
I pictured Eric Roberts as Dolan since I'd just seen The Expendables. I had a generic dorky-looking, skinny bald guy with a mustache in my mind for Robinson.