MovieChat Forums > Dolan's Cadillac (2010) Discussion > Bryan Cranston should have played Robins...

Bryan Cranston should have played Robinson

Watch Breaking Bad and you will know what I mean.


I guess they were looking for a younger and more familiar name. Though I haven't really seen Wes Bentley do much lately after Ghost Rider.


Loved Breaking Bad, can't wait for next season! He would be perfect for that role, wasn't the story character Robinson an older guy? It's been a while since I read it but he was a teacher and I visualized him as being middle aged. I guess it was the descriptions of how hard the road work was for him at first...

~Just another freak in the freak kingdom.~


Agreed. Cranston would be absolutely perfect. Or Clint friggin' Eastwood if he'd do it. The guy in the story was pretty damn old, probably upwards of at least 60 i think. Cause they make a big deal about him joining the construction crew cause he's so old and what not. I'm pissed they decided to make him younger although i do like Wes Bentley.

El Ultimo Pistolero


Everyone posting is right. But Hollywood is all about the young for leading roles (except for superstar icons like Eastwood, Nicholson, et al). The young, good looking couple and the pregnant wife fit the template better, source accuracy be damned. Hardcore King fans just have to let it go when watching the screen adaptations, unless King himself can call the shots (Like in The Stand).


He would have been PERFECT !!! But I still think it was quite good with WB as Robinson. But not great mind you.


Good call!
