Hi! I am an Israeli, and I want to clear some stuff up. :D
Yes - some people call night clubs "Disco" in English because their English aint that great, so they dont know the word "night club" but are more familler with the word "disco" and confuse the two.
No (ish)- Israel is not behind the times on most part, but it wasnt always so, however in the last 10 years the gap is almost completly gone. 10 years ago we did get the new phones, and other electronics, and sometimes movies and tv a few weeks after europe, and some stuff are still like that because of the distance and making stuff in Hebrew take a lil bit of time I guess, but its hardly noticable.
However, I do recall that about 15 years ago, and probably before that Israel was pretty much bhiend the times by couple of months or even a year when it came to these type of stuff, and from records, if you go back 30-40 years, then some stuff took years longer to apear in Israel (such as Color telvision which only became mainstream in 1980 in Israel while it was already mainstream in europe by 1975, however it was caused because the goverment didnt want a huge social gap, so its banned color tv for a while)