Did any muslims watch this?

I'm wondering what they're reaction was to this movie. I thought it was pretty offensive to Muslims.

I'm not Muslim btw, my family is Christian and I guess I am to. I'm more agnostic since I could go either way and don't know.


simply because it is tottaly with jews
u don't see even in the game israel get a goal b4 the scene change
why the director just be fair in the 2 sides
but as a muslim i can't accept that because it is my land and they rape it
we can live together as oldtimes but tottaly as oldtime
it's our land they were live in it now they raped it and kill any one say it is wrong and don't giva attention to security cuncill



they made the israelis look really bad too though... the electronics ppl ripping everyone off left and right, no shame. haha.


I'm a muslim and the only thing that offended me in this movie is how unfunny it was. Adam Sandler can and has done much better, this movie was nowhere near as funny as some of his classic comedies, such as the Wedding Singer or 50 First Dates.


I'm a Muslim and me and my friends always make references to the movie. (Like offering "Fizzy Bubeleh" also the fact, my name is Salim...)

There were some points in this movie that were offensive (while not the entire movie) and the quality of the movie was meh... But it's just a movie.

The fact of the matter is that I know better.

If Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer, so can Mr. T... all he has to do is punch Chuck Norris.


i suppose they are trying to say that unless people just learn to live together and share together there will never be peace. end of story.


It's not Arab land. The Jews were the sole inhabitants of Judea and Samaria thousands of years before Muslims even existed and drove them out.


Perhaps you need to review history but then racism and fascism does not need any facts, they exist despite the facts. What justifies rights based on race, jewish only roads, apartheid conditions for a whole group of human beings, is it collective punishment for some past crimes of their ancestors (if that is the version you believe), by that definition, christians should be punished for a lot, so should be jews for the past 60plus years of their oppression of palestinians.

Also, what about the genocide and killing of palestinians that started to create the state of israel and continues as we speak? how could a people who have experienced suffering turn around and become the biggest fascists of today, you are the nazis or nazi supporters of today, just like the nazis you have justifications for carrying on your oppression today but history will not forgive you,your grandkids perhaps will be ashamed to say that you were for the holocaust against palestinians and perhaps will be tried in the world court someday and will have to hide like nazis and nazi supporters later so act righteous and proud while you have the power.

As to the movie, certainly offensive to muslims but anti-muslim sentiment is considered as acceptable today as was calling blacks savages during slavery or calling jews and others by names during nazi holocaust.



burnsider you are an undeducated idiot.

islam is a fairly new religion only around since the 7th century, palestinians have been in palestine far longer than islam as they are the ancient canaanites and philistines, the original inhabitants of that land before jews came to commit the first genocide in the old testament and slaughter them to steal their land.

as palestinians are the ancient canaanites and philistines who originate from the line of ham they are therefore not arabs as arabs are from shem (semitic).
just coz someone is muslim does not make them an arab e.g. bosnian and iranian muslims are not arabs.

and not all palestinians are muslim either, that is why palestinians want a secular state unlike racist jews who only want and currently have an apartheid jew state.

these are the facts.

and this movie was insulting to palestinians branding them as terrorists when it is jews who are the real terrorists.




The scene when the Israeli and Arab merchants made peace was hilarious.

Is Adam Sandler Sephardic? He looks like he could be.


LOL It is not Muslim land, it belongs to Jews who have lived there for thousands of years. You Muslim Terrorists are the invaders, occupiers and genociders who are now getting blown apart by IDF #LOL


I don't think people around the world do trust him, it's a try to refine the picture of israel BUT in a very wrong time when the world see clearly the revealed ugly face of israel.
it would be better if the took the issue in a FAIR way.
and about me, as a muslim and arabic, it's the last thing to think about the opinion of a "well-known-israel-supporter" actor.


"the revealed ugly face of israel" and then "it would be better if the took the issue in a FAIR way". You're a funny guy. Let us take it up in a FAIR way then, shall we: Israel gets attacked by missiles from Hamas (the now democratically selected terrorist group governing body in Gaza) for years and doesn't respond. During the time thousands of missiles have been hitting Israel, causing damage and death, the media has been largely ignoring the whole issue. As the situation worsens and missiles reach deeper into Israel, there is finally a response. Then, the world wakes up. Indeed, Israel has revealed its ugly face by attempting to disable a major Iran-funded terrorist group that has set its main goal as "the destruction of the state of Israel" (go read it on their official website) and been targetting innocent Israeli civilians in every possible place.

Truly, it is horrible how Israel has made so many efforts and spent so many resources to avoid civilian casualties while Hamas has been spending all its resources on causing civilian cassualities. It is a disgrace that a country is attempting to protect its citizens instead of using them as human shields, Hamas-style. It's not Hamas's fault at all that innocent people get killed when they literally use them as human shields. That includes children in schools, people in hospitals, and so on. It is also not Hamas's fault that plain buildings, mosques, schools and hospitals get bombed down to the ground when they use them for storing massive amounts of missiles and rockets whose sole pupose is to kill Israeli people.

It is wrong to support Israel, the only democratic country in the middle east, who offers more to its civilians than any non-democratic arab country, and in which almost 1.5 million arab civilians (20% of the country) live and enjoy their democratic freedom (like not getting body organs chopped off for stealing or being stoned to death if you're a woman who is only suspected of cheating her husband).

Yes, it would be better if you took the issue in a FAIR way, and explained exactly what is wrong about supporting Israel as opposed to globally known terrorist groups and terrorist supporting countries such as Iran, and terrorist group territories such as Gaza. It would be even better if you explained why it is good to support the human shield using, humanitarian aid stealing, mass murdering terrorist group Hamas. Or Hizballah, if you wanna go back a little.

Before you say my country's "face is ugly", take a look at your own personal face, and then your own country's face, mr. "I'm an arab muslim and therefore I hate Israel".

As for Zohan, I think this movie is great, hilarious, and especially funny if you know the types of stereotypical characters it portrays well. It's supposed to be "offensive", because guess what, not all comedies are subtle and aimed at PC hippies.


^Arguing with people like yourself is pointless. You take no blame for Israel's actions at all and instead change the subject of innocent civilians killed and injured to Hamas. "Israeli soldiers admit to shooting/beating up children and women till the either die or suffer lifetime injuries" - Hamas

"Israeli settlers steal land from Palestinians literally and nothing is done" - Hamas.

"Israel destroys homes with bulldozers of innocents just for living in the same neighbourhood as a suicide bomber" - Holocaust???

And about Arabs living happily in Israel, *beep* YOU. That's all I can say. I can read so many accounts by Arabs who are harassed and treated literally like 2nd class citizens by Jews. I even read an article in Reader's Digest(a fairly pro-Jew magazine) that your nation's Arab soccer players get called terrorists even for playing for ISRAEL! Just because they're Arab!

Why don't you keep saying Hamas and Holocaust to every argument about Israel. The truth is Israel has the power to stop the violence a long time ago, and they even broke the recent truce between them and Hamas, but report that it was Hamas who broke it first.

Zionists have no place in the world, the Germans want them out, the Arabs want them out. Why don't you people move to somewhere else? Like outer space?


"your nation's Arab soccer players get called terrorists even for playing for ISRAEL! Just because they're Arab! "

It's called soccer fans. Their job is to be racist. Besides, it's only Beitar Yerushalaim's fans.


"It's called football fans. Their job is to be racist. Besides, it's only Beitar Yerushalaim's fans."



firdaus125, you're a perfect example of mindless racist troll. Especially your last paragraph is terrific. Well done. Your post has everything, ridiculous "facts" and all.


i wouldnt go so far as to say it should be bannd (as it is in the UAE for example) or even that it should have given a more objective view, because after all the film is made by Adam Sandlers production house and why wouldnt he say whatever viewpoint he wants to put across. either way this film wont change foreign policy, compell intergovernmental agencies or drastically change public opion from what it sees every day via right wing media and rupert murdocks news monopoly...

so while i support their ability to say whatever the hell they want to as a Muslim i personally hated this film, i pretty much knew what to expect with Sandler being such a huge supporter of israel but i watched it anyway since i like so many of his other films...

personally i felt it was pure zionist propoganda and have discouraged my brothers and sisters from watching it or supporting the film in any way, besides unless you really really hate Arabs and Muslim in general can you really say anything in the film was remotly funny?? the humus stuff was kinda funny for a while but it got old on the 7th or 8th joke...

Dissapointing - i thougt Click was one of the best comidies i have seen in recent years too...but then again it did have Christopher Walken adding a whole extra dimension of funny to it.


I don't see how it's propoganda. It made fun of both Israelis and Arabs.


No, you really an example of blind troll... this argument will never be over
by the way you said "it is horrible how Israel has made so many efforts and spent so many resources to avoid civilian casualties while Hamas has been spending all its resources on causing civilian cassualities."
do you live in this planet earth?? or you are blind taking your information from somebody or something?

and you said also "During the time thousands of missiles have been hitting Israel, causing damage and death, the media has been largely ignoring the whole issue."
I have one question and I want you to answer it to yourself, not to me, (WHAT DAMAGE AND DEATH CAUSED? THIS IN NONSENSE?)




I'm a Palestinian, raised a muslim, and i thought the movie was fun, and not offensive. I thought it was pretty fair, both cultures got made fun of, both had strong characters (for a Sandler film) and a good time was had by me. I actually expected to be a little offended that Rob Schnieder was playing a Palestinian, but the phone number scene had me in tears and all is forgiven.

Jews and Arabs are the most stubborn and easily riled up races. Put religion aside, split the country, kill anyone who says it should be all Israel or all Palestine, and live in peace already.

Get off my lawn.


I just wish all Muslims would be as intelligent as you bro'.I truly do.

As an Israeli,I feel exactly like you..and coming from a Combat Soldier serving in the IDF,that says alot.

This movie is pure briliance..but it's funnier if you're part of the conflict.


shyk-1 you are an idiot too.

wtf is democratic about the genocidal and apartheid state of israel?

jews went through a holocaust and now they are doing one to the palestinians.
it is pure evil, worse than hitler.


No, you people are the idiots. Israel is neither genocidal nor is it an "apartheid state." The Arab & Muslim attacks on Israel are a continuation of the genocide against the Jews that Hitler and the Arabs carried out during World War II.

Furthermore Israel is Democratic, and to be fair, so is the Palestinian Authority... except of course in the Gaza Strip, where it's an Islamist dictatorship.


No no no no no, believe me this. Israel has nothing to do with democracy. The elected officials are nobodies in the government. And they have systematically grown and displaced Palestinians off their land, while dividing them up and cutting them off from proper plumbing, protection, etc. THAT is just like what Germans did to the Jews in Poland and other occupied countries. Relocated them to shythole to go off and die.


The only think you cite are anti-Israel/anti-Jew websites, buddy.




What?..why would muslims be offended...who gives a *beep* get over it..it's a *beep* movie

-Spoilers are for the weak



Yes, we watch Adam Sandler movies: But only as punishment for when we're being naughty and our parents want to discipline us - for example:

Dad: "Son, you've broken the neighbor's window - normally, I'd just ground you, but you could've hurt somebody, so I'm going to go heavy-duty on you."

Son: "NO! You don't mean -

Dad: "Ooooh yes! Adam Sandler film fest! First, Happy Gilmore, then Little Nicky and last but not least, Bullet proof - with Damon Wayans, so it's TWICE as bad!"

Son: "No Dad please! I swear to be good, please just give me one more chance - "

Dad: No! I been to easy on you! Now go to bed and watch your punishment!"

Son: (recoiling on horror at the sight of Sandler's pasty mug on T.V.): "Aaaargh!!!

Dad: (after closing Son's room and locking the door) "I don't know why he's such a baby - if I really wanted to punish him, I'd show him Pauly Shore's movies!"

P.S. As per your quote on it being 'offensive to Muslims' - I personally though it was offensive to: a) Anyone with a mature and sophisticated sense of humor - b) Who actually wanted to see a good movie, c) that wouldn't be a waste of their time. Fair enough?

P.S. Not to sound like I'm razzing on jews, but why is it that most comedy movies made by them (Sandler, Schneider, Shore or Stiller - all too many guys whose names start with the letter 'S') SUCK SO BADLY?



I am Muslim. And the reasons why I DIDN'T get offended by this movie are:

1) It didn't make fun of JUST MUSLIMS. It made fun of Isreal, any ethnicity it referenced and everything in it's path.

2) I was told by people and the IMDB boards that it is a STUPID movie not to be taken seriously. And I watched it with that mindset. Maybe if I wouldn't have, I would have found it quite offensive.

Watch my loved HITMAN movies –www.youtube.com/user/blindedbytalent


This is offensive to Jews and Muslims. I'm only 15 minutes into the movie, I'm American, and I'm offended.


How can anyone take offence at this? Good grief.

I said in another post that the world needs more Zohans, and I stand by that.




When I saw this film in the cinema there were some Arab youngsters sitting not far from us and they were having a good time laughing. They clearly were not offended. They seemed to like the Phantom character.




As an American I'm not comforatable with our weapons being shipped to Israel free and/or at a discount. They used illegal cluster bombs in Lebannon and illegal white phosphorus in the Gaza strip. They've killed more children than ANY other nation since 1950. The U.N. hasn't made so many resolutions against them just for fun. They violate human rights regularly and it's all been documented.

Does anybody in America know how many politicians AIPAC(the American Israel Public "Affairs" committee) has in their pocket? They own our congress AND senate. As a country we've already been invaded and taken over by a sometimes hostile country without a war. Israel has the MOST aggresive spy program inside the United States of ANY country in the world. It's time Americans learned these facts and we shrug this monkey off our back.

Look what happened to Repulican congressman Paul Findley when he stood against AIPAC, look at what happened to democratic house member Cynthia McKinney, Look what happened to JFK when he denied Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion Nuclear devices.



Evidently, you don't realize that the reason the west ships Israel so many weapons is because the Arabs have been attacking them since the days before the fall of the Ottoman Empire, simply because they're Jews.

The U.N. hasn't made so many resolutions against them just for fun.

Of course not. They did it because of manipulation by the Arab League. In the meantime, you've got Hamas using U.N. built schools in the Gaza Strip as bases of operations to launch missiles at Israel for their holy wars.

Look what happened to Repulican congressman Paul Findley when he stood against AIPAC,

Findley was siding with the PLO when they were still trying to destroy all Jews. He also made excuses for Al-Qaida.

look at what happened to democratic house member Cynthia McKinney

Oh, you mean being a stupid twoofer bitch who slugged a Congressional Guard?

Look what happened to JFK when he denied Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion Nuclear devices.

Psychotic pan-Arab propaganda. Oswald killed him because he thought he was defending the commies.


I think this movie's about Jews and Palestinians. Cuz Judaism is also a nation and religion. But Islam is not just for Arabs. This is between Jews and Arabs..

Yo, Matt in the house!


Why do you Christian people ask such silly questions? I'm not really religious, but you christians are silly bastards. Does it offend Christians when 7th Heaven has so much sexual overtones on their shows? I love sex, but it's women give it up to easy these days. Gotta broil them before you *beep* em these days. Society is becoming more irresponsible with what they do like there's no self responsibility. Kinda scary if you turn off the t.v and radio for a month and pick up a book instead; then watch "They Live" and compare it to whats going on today and how people are acting. Didn't you bastards ever hear, "T.V rotts the brain" when you were growing up? *beep* always bitch about what you can do to improve this country...Stop buying into all this propaganda on television, radio, advertisements. Do something creative, lazy *beep*


Almost 75% of my friends are muslims.
& they frecking loved it. I don't know what's the problem, seriously.


I'm Israeli-American. I didn't watch it with any of my muslim friends. 2 of them saw it and thought it was a funny flick. Another one refuses to watch it. He's convinced it's American propaganda in order to have us view Arabs as villains. The two muslims (one from Tunisia and one from Afghanistan) tried to tell him that the conflict aside, no one was really depicted as evil ultimately.


I'm palestinian and muslim and I was not that offended because I knew it was a comedy not to be taken seriously. I would be much more offended if the movie claimed to be drama or serious in any way. Even though the movie made fun of both sides, it obviously had a slant toward the israelis. I was expecting this movie to be a lot more racist, so I was surprised. that being said, i think this movie almost missed the point entirely by saying once you're in america nothing matters. because although the past is the past there are things that cannot be undone and cannot be forgiven. But yeah oh and in response to indie_mod, i think the only people depicted as villians were the southern racist maybe they were offended lol?

this is turning into an essay, but yeah i didn't think this movie was funny or enjoyable at all, but i was very suprised at how it at least attempted to make fun of both sides. Of course some things in the movie offended me (like the guy having 20 wives), but all in all its a comedy so i didn't get too offended, that being said, i would probably never watch this movie again.


I wasn't offended. It was hilarious.

When I saw that Emannuelle Chriqui was in the film, knowing her parents are Moroccan immigrants, I had a feeling she would be playing an Arab character. I was more afraid of how Muslims would react to a Israeli Jew romancing a Palestinian woman than anything else (I personally don't care, love knows no boundaries), but I think the type of people who would get offended by the film avoided it.

Men...we're the new women - Dylan McDermott
