supposedly, the peado guy gave the kid AIDS while in prison. but 2 years after the kid died due to the complications brought about by AIDS, peado guy was still very active and roaming the streets like he doesn't have AIDS for the last several years?
Yeah, I was wondering about that too. The only thing I can figure is that perhaps Eddie's wonder treatment was given to the pedo. I'm not really sure why that would have happened, but it's the only explanation I can think of at this ungodly hour.
Well HIV/AIDS attacks your immune system, so depending on how strong or weak it is, depends on how long you live for. For example, if you hardly ever get sick, AIDs will take a longer amount of time to take over your body and to cause your death due to a virus or complication of some sort. However, if you get sick quite often, AIDs will take over more rapidly, causing an early death, therefore, it is safe to assume that Pedo's immune system is significantly stronger than Grealy's.
Eddie never said he gave Greely AIDS. Jackson and the insurance guy figured it had something to do with AIDS from Eddie's dying words. So, for that reason, I assumed Eddie had given Greely HIV, which progressed into AIDS in Greely. Which would explain why Eddie still had a decent amount of his health and Greely had died.
"For example, if you hardly ever get sick, AIDs will take a longer amount of time to take over your body and to cause your death due to a virus or complication of some sort. However, if you get sick quite often, AIDs will take over more rapidly, causing an early death, therefore, it is safe to assume that Pedo's immune system is significantly stronger than Grealy's."
While this is true of HIV, which the body has some chance to fight back at, an untreated AIDS victim will rarely live more than two years. If Eddie had AIDS he would have been dead or extremely sick, unless the second poster is correct and Eddie got his hands on the wonder drug.
1. Coonan give Grealey HIV, not AIDS. 2. Coonan's immune system fights it better than Grealey's. 3. By the time Grealey comes out of prison, it has turned into AIDS. 4. Grealey applies for the experimental drug and is turned down. 5. Coonen can then have had HIV when in prison, but AIDS when they're kidnapped.
Some people dies shortly after being diagnosed, while others can live more than 12 years. With such great differences, it can easily fit the plot.
It's common knowledge, or at least it ws common knowledge fiften years ago, that AIDS can lie dormant for several years.
Apparently it isn't common knowledge, but fifteen years ago I don't think you could find a person who didn't know this. It was well advertized how HIV works.
I'm totally amazed how in such a few years, common knowledge could just disappear.
Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time that's not funny!
It was just the ignorance of the writers or characters that's all. The peado could have only given him HIV which develops into AIDS. Some people can last many years with HIV, others might sucumb to it quicker and develop AIDS. With all the sh*t happening in the kids life, he was probably pretty low already.
I have enough faith in my judgment to recognize a stinker.
People are forgetting that Coogan couldn't have gotten the wonder drug for the same reason Wade couldn't'; they both had criminal records. An essential point in this (awful, but besides the point) film.
Coogan obviously knew he had HIV from his comment. He could have been on treatment for years, even when he was in prison. A prisoner with HIV will not be denied their meds. With treatment, you can easily have quality live for 10, 20, 30 years or even more now.
Wade may not have known he had contracted HIV. While many people would think that a man who was raped in prison would get tested as soon as he got out, if he were trying to cope with the trauma, he may have been avoiding treatment to avoid dealing with it mentally. In an already weak immune system (which he could have likely had from the stress of his situation), HIV undetected and untreated can progress to AIDS over the course of just a few years.
It is basically the difference between one of them being treated and one not. If you catch it early and begin treatment, you can easily remain active and be reasonably healthy for many many years longer than a person who isn't tested and treated until their count is near or at the AIDS threshhold.