MovieChat Forums > Moonlight (2007) Discussion > Watched it for the first time!

Watched it for the first time!

Loved it! Some cheesy dialogues and music but I freaking loved it. I now know why it was so popular back then.

Sucks that it got cancelled. And sucks that the writers strike was at the time. It had a big fanbase, ratings were good. And also just bad timing overall too. Since the vampire crazy went off the next year with Twilight, True Blood etc. I think it would have become huge.
But also I read that CBS wanted to change the storylines. They wanted it to be more CSI-ish...which is a big no. And characters changes too. They even fired the 2 creators and several writers towards the end of the season. They were already planning on cancelling the show. The writers strike was what they needed to make it official.

I wonder if it originally had a full season (22/23 eps) but it got shortened to 16 episodes.
There were so many stories to explore.
- Beth/Mick relationship.
- A potentional Beth/Josef (romantic) friendship, since these 2 had a lot in common.
- Josef!!
- The Royal vampires and the cure.
- The return of Coraline.
- The secret Vampires team.
