
I liked the film overall, particularly the lead character, but also think I like the original title -- it seems to translate as "collision in Moscow," which is in effect the plot. Of course, someone who doesn't live in the country would wonder why all these people in Moscow were speaking Dutch.


Yeah, original title might be better.

Is that the name under which it played in/at Cannes, do you know?


I have seen this film and the language spoken isn't in fact Dutch (Nederlands) but the local Gentse dialect of the city of Ghent.


It is Dutch, but with a flamish dialect and a gent's accent.


here we go...


You're both right ;-) (languange vs dialect)

But for many dutch ppl it's sometimes really difficult to understand.
The title is really nice in dutch. The english title just sums up two a country and city. As unpleasant the actual meaning of the word is, Aanrijding is a beautiful word and looks more interesting on the poster.

I'm pro 2 languages on poster compromise solution for international release.


Well, I thought the title wasn't bad, since the real 'collision' is not the collision of vehicles, yet the collision of souls or something...
Btw, The place is called Moscow as a tribute to a division of the Russian army that camped there before and after the Battle of Waterloo. Might be confusing. When I was a kid I saw a tram headed to 'Moscou', and I was so confused (ALL the way to Russia?? ).

We also have a place (also near Ghent) called Nazareth. Little originality right?
They did stay true to the dialect of Ghent, sometimes even overdoing it.

"You're excellent under pressure! [SLAP] Stay humble.
