Old Man on the Train

Is it just me or did anybody else want to get up and smack the hell out of that old man on the train??
He was a disgusting old perv that may have been in her mind or may not have been but if I was Nina I would have stood up and walloped him.
I would have smacked him right across the face, the call him an old disgusting perv.


Who doesn't rub their crotch and lick their lips when they see Portman?


Eurgh Disgusting, I'd take his head off his shoulders disgusting old perv


so you would physically assault an old man just because he made kissing sounds and grabbed his crotch??


I wouldnt assault him, Im say 'Screw you' then Id get up and slap his face and shout 'You disgusting old perv.'



aaaaaaand suddenly imdb is funnier than 9gag...


hahhahahahhahhhahhaha it is isn't it :-)


Technically, assault involves putting someone in fear. Battery involves physically hitting someone (or even merely touching someone just to restrain them). So she would have been committing both assault and battery.


But his disgusting sexual harassment is okay?



i saw the film last night for the first time and that scene triggered!

i´ve had such an experience (with a younger guy), many years ago, and it was SO disguisting, though i never was prude/victorian with sex and enjoyned it through the decades. (indeed i was on the way to my then partner).
i felt degraded and misused. i changed the wagon as soon as i saw that, and hoped that he would be frustrated to hell; but above all i went out of that situation. and in my partner´s home my first activity was taking a shower.

i´ve forgotten that, but seeing that scene brought it back.

some people simply don´t think about what they´re doing to others or don´t care... .

friendly wave




I wasn't convinced that old man was really there in the first place, if you get what I mean.


Yeah, I took it that it was another one of her delusions (although only later)


Nearly everything on her journey to the dark saide was in her head. i agree with darling


I agree. But he was a pretty cool old man in any case.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


"triggered a bad memory."

Triggered in that sense needs an object, x triggered y


Funniest sequence in the movie!!!!


yeah, Uncle Hank at its very best!


I completely forgot about this sequence when I rewatched Black Swan last night. Took me by surprise and I started laughing hysterically.

°¤«¸Is it all as it seems? So unresolved, so unredeemed¸»¤°


Making disgusting lewd gestures to someone is pretty traumatic to the person they're being directed to. Interesting that some people think that sleaze's actions were okay. They were not. They were gross and disgusting. They were an attempt to frighten and intimidate the person they were being directed to. If he decided to try something else, should she have allowed it to happen because if she'd attempted to defend herself, it would be assault?
That old creep deserved a slap, a punch and a kick to the crotch. It would make the old sicko think twice about pulling that crap again.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


Interestingly, they seem to be guys. Shock!

I wonder how funny it would be if it were an old lady or Rosie O'Donnell doing it to a male actor? EWWW NASTY OLD B*TCH SLAP HER



Making disgusting lewd gestures to someone is pretty traumatic to the person they're being directed to. Interesting that some people think that sleaze's actions were okay. They were not. They were gross and disgusting. They were an attempt to frighten and intimidate the person they were being directed to.

Absolutely agree! This has happened to me several times in my life where men have not only made lewd gestures, which intimidated and frightened me, but I've also been physically assaulted too. Men are bigger, if they take it into their heads to put their hands on me, I'm completely vulnerable! It's disappointing that people not only think it ok, but find this sort of thing funny as well.

As to the film, I did wonder whether it was part of Nina's imaginings. I was interested to watch the old guy in the train window reflection to get a 'more objective' view of what was actually taking place and unfortunately, it did look like his hand was making the gesture. Yuck.

Do the P-I-G-E-O-N


It's hard to slap an hallucination.


As a seasoned New Yorker, we know never to ride on a subway train alone, especially if another 1 is present. I always move to a different car. As a smart New Yorker, Nina would have known this. Why was this scene added? What is the significance of the staring old man? Incidentally, I am male.


Well, the whole movie is about male perversion and virginity. Black/White Swan. Seems obvious Portman depicts pure naivety, innocence, etc and all around her is pure perversion, especially from men , and women (other ballerine)

About that old man scene, i think it is a wise choice from the director as most of the audience of ballets nowadays are old-grey men. This man could easily rewatch her during her performance later on...

When i rewatched it, I didn't suspect how much perversion comes out of this film. Nearly every scene is about devious thinking and acts,as opposite to the fragile and sensitive Portman's character.


The whole movie is about male perversion and virginity? Really? That's what you took away from this movie? Say's a whole lot about where your head is, dunnit?

Nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for.


Sounds like a case of victim-blaming, here.


The beauty of it: the man who played him is Aronovsky's father!




Are you sure the old man is played by Aronofsky's father? I thought it was Todd Miller, who previously appeared in Requiem For A Dream as the "Party Animal" who proposes Jennifer Connelly and another woman go "ass to ass" during the final montage.


And what exactly do you think the men who are yelling "You're beautiful" are saying when they yell at you from across the street? You don't automatically fill in the "...and I want to lick you from head-to-toe"? You're arguing approach, not intent.

Nothing the god of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for.


LOL The OP must not be from NYC. Or at least have taken the train before.

