please explain
So was Nina soi obsessed with being perfect that she halucinated all that swan stuff? And that sex scene between nina and Lilly. Was it real or not?? Thse are the only things I just want clarified!
shareSo was Nina soi obsessed with being perfect that she halucinated all that swan stuff? And that sex scene between nina and Lilly. Was it real or not?? Thse are the only things I just want clarified!
shareThe sex scene did not happen
shareIt was all in her minds. She just wanted to be perfect and she got it on the end.
There's something wrong with Esther.
I think she was already a bit mentally unstable at the start of the film, which was possibly part of why her mother was so controlling - though her mother also came across as a major part of her problems. I think the self harm scratching was referred to as something that had already gone on in the past. The stealing from Beth also looked to me like it had been going on before the film started.
So the added pressure of being the lead, not coping with half of the role during rehearsal, being forced to deal with her messed up sexuality by the predatory director and a night of alcohol and drugs did a lot to tip her right over the edge, but she was vulnerable to begin with.
I saw another comment on here about the sex scene, that Lily doesn't come back to the apartment. You can see a shot of her mouthing one of Nina's retorts to her mother like an imaginary support would do. Nina needs an imaginary friend at that point in time. Lily wouldn't deny being there the day after to mess with her as they didn't come back to an empty place.