MovieChat Forums > Black Swan (2010) Discussion > Natalie's Oscar/Academy Award Win

Natalie's Oscar/Academy Award Win

Personally I found the film difficult to watch with far too much of an implied narrative rather than an explicit one. However, that's just a given with Aronofsky... i've accepted it.

Overall, I don't think I liked the film much either! Having seen it tonight, for the first time... I will say one thing: Natalie's PERFORMANCE was good. How can anyone deny that? She had to personify how many different mental states/characteristics and it wasn't until the end, when she nailed the performance of the Black Swan, did we see her entire facial expressions shift, her body's movements become far more exaggerated- transforming entirely out of that White Swan personality/paranoid, mousy, unhinged and confused innocent, insufferable thing she was all movie.

Anyone who's been a fan of Nat's work know's she's not that girl at all... so in my opinion, the performance was a 10 the Movie was a 5.

and the Oscar win? Far better deserved than Jennifer Lawrence's in Silver Lining's Playbook...

... this is a maid speaking by the way



No, but I've been watching Natalie Portman movies for years now and if she was going to be nominated for anything it definitely should have been this.

Still think it was more complex of a character than JLaw in Silver linings... If people are going to complain about undeserving wins/nominations.



Hmm maybe, idk. I think it was a fair enough balance between her physical performance and her characterisation. Like, I agree, she never blows me away, but this time I was like... Oh well she's trying at least this time. Maybe academy finally noticed, or maybe her CV needed a boost...

I don't trust the academy anymore, considering its a panel of acting peers, and anyone else who applies to be on it. Pretty sure awards are contrived and geared towards stars that have the publicity team and the financial backing of a director to help pay them off and further their career. Or finish it nicely.



Oh, I never actually managed to hear any news about that dance double controversy... until I read the Trivia last night.

I usually wouldn't weigh in on something like that, but... Idk, I guess people will always try to discredit you for something. I think the same thing happened in Flashdance, where all the dancing was done by a man. Yet, i'm pretty sure people still regard it as an epic dance movie.

As far as Black Swan goes, I guess there are three sides to every story and i'll take the cast/director for their word...

"Director Darren Aronofsky also debunked Lane's claims: "Here is the reality. I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film. 111 are Natalie Portman untouched. 28 are her dance double Sarah Lane. If you do the math that's 80% Natalie Portman."

I believe Mila Kunis also weighed in saying it wasn't something that was ever denied, they all had dance doubles- where they needed them.

Perhaps award rules should be amended to something like, you're only eligible to be nominated if you perform 100% of your role YOURSELF, otherwise yeah, it's winning something with the help of someone else. Or if this were University- it's the same as accepting all the credit for a group assignment. I wouldn't consider that Fair!

Idk who deserved what in 2010, that was a hectic year in film!



Jessica Chastain in ZERO DARK THIRTY, that FALSE piece of crap? No No NO.



For me, it wasn't Chastain's performance that was the weak point of Zero Dark Thirty. It was the questionable choice of the screenplay that suggested that the torture of some of those prisoners gave them important information when research has indicated that that was not true. I like Chastain as an actress but I do question her decision to appear in this completely discredited film. The film is garbage, part of film history, like Triumph of the Will, expertly made and impressive visually, though not as great visually as Triumph, but bogus because the torture of prisoners, which is ILLEGAL under international law, did not lead to the discovery of bin Laden.


I love the movie, and I can attribute a large part of that to her performance. I think she was definitely Oscar worthy.

I am Senor Velasco, I drink my milk with tabasco




Especially when it comes to the Hollywood Jewish Machine.

I love when bigots just come out and show the world how ignorant and bigoted they are. It makes it so much easier to laugh at them and ignore whatever muck dribbles out of their heads.

Can't stop the signal.


How dare you come on here just to speak that way about someone you know nothing about. Do not start the typical IMDB opinion of an ignorant bigot, *beep* here!

I did not mean any offense or racial slur/epithet by that remark. I was merely quoting the poster, or rather repeating their own words. It is kind of widely known that "the Hollywood Machine" as it is referred to is widely run and owned by Jewish money, and corporations. That's just history.

If it causes so much offense (that warrants no need for your defensive, abusive comment) then I will amend what I wrote.

I am the furtherest thing from a bigot. Not that it's any of your business I happen to be part of an ethnic minority, and I also happen to be gay...

I do believe the academy is influenced or manipulated by money- news flash nothing in Hollywood is real. This is coming from a huge fan of American Culture, cinema and TV. Took a long time and a couple of media degrees to understand it, and accept it.

So kindly apologise or remove your post. Or I'll rather delete the entire thread.


"She is truly one of the worst actresses in history"

silly hyperbole is silly


Well, I thought you were just an ignoramus until the last few words of your rant.


I don't know. I go back and forth between that performance and its merit. At times it feels incredible and a tour de force then there are times when it feels forced and unnatural; especially her 'sweet girl' segments. She played paranoia very well that I admit. And every time she moved closer to her Black Swan it got better as far as the genuine performance is concerned. Still, do I feel cheated sometimes by the Aronofsky camp pushing for the unrealistic and dumb 'she danced it all' offense they maintained from the get go? Yes. And perhaps that's where the most of my dislike for her win comes from in all honesty. I am disgusted by the political lying PR that generated her Oscar campaign. If they hadn't, I swear Natalie would have still won and fair and square this time as her overall ACTING performance was strong enough. They didn't have to lie to make her seem like a professional ballerina for an award that is for acting. And the 80% Natalie per Aronofsky count is bull, as the count is from the waist up. So, her arms flapping were genuine? Awesome. Now, that's the core of what a ballerina does! Idiot.
I have to admit, I was pushing for Annette Bening that year as her performance was just so honest and raw, albeit spectacle less in comparison to Portman 'transformative' 'work of art'. Again, it seemed forced and unnatural all the while screaming 'give me the Oscar'. She was acting so big that she forgot to 'be'.


Now this is the kind of opinion I can respect.

... this is a Maid speaking by the way.


Damn right.^


I don't recall them ever lying and claiming they did all the dancing themselves. It was simply never brought up. Stop complaining about something so arbitrary. This isn't Billy Elliot.


Annette Benning should have won the Oscar that year. Case closed.



Natalie is a good actress but Annette was better.


Jen Law's Oscar was definitely more to do with popularity than performance, she was pretty average in SLP, anyone could have played that role

She's done better acting in the Hunger Games

Agreed, a complete travesty that she can even call herself an oscar winner now... and this is coming from a fan of J.Laws



Yes. Omg. I don't even hate that she won a oscar. She's clearly capable of it. Just not for SLP, I agree a hundred percent. Her acting is far more compelling in Hunger Games. She's completely riveting. It was just a popularity vote!


Can I ask what your issue was with SLP? More specifically, her role and winning the Oscar for it. I liked her in Silver Linings more than I did in The Hunger Games... although she was pretty good in the last two especially.

~The insane are blessed in a beautifully twisted way~


I will try and keep it brief and to the point to avoid a debate and will just present my opinion as it is and hopefully it will be acceptable although I'm sure it won't be.

I loved Silver Linings Playbook. I loved every character, and every actor playing each character. I think Bradley Cooper was wonderful portraying the person he portrayed. The Mum was wonderful and DeNiro was great. Jennifer was also really, really good, and captivating, Tiffany was charming and beautiful and depressed. But not much else...

Jennifer Lawrence always does a great job. I just don't think that her role was significantly compelling or riveting enough to win the top Oscar for a female lead at the Academy Awards - further down the track in her career maybe yeah, just not for this role and not this early in her career.

Tiffany was a great character but she wasn't an Oscar-winning character... I don't think it was particularly hard for Jennifer Lawrence to essentially play a sadder, more whimsical version of herself in this... (thats essentially what it seemed like). Worthy of a nomination, sure if no one else did a better job that year or no other character in a movie that year was as interesting. But just not the win.

The only reason I think she has more compelling acting in Hunger Games is because - she does. Katniss as a character is destroyed every moment in those movies internally distraught, emotionally wrecked and bewildered and JLaw does it so bloody well. It's riveting and I think she knocked the Post Traumatic Katniss out of the park. The characters are so different - the acting for both are so different. I just think the acting for Katniss is so much more unsettling - and not about beauty, softness or JLaw at all.

Jennifer Lawrence is a lovely actress, she does a great job and she doesn't need such a big award for such a simplistic character to prove it.

On another note, since this is a hot topic at the moment, put into perspective in no sane world does it make sense that Jennifer Lawrence would win an Oscar before Leonardo DiCaprio. His portrayal of mental illness was so much more riveting, and he didn't embody a semblance of himself at all (Whats Eating Gilbert Grape).

Academy Awards are for one reason only at the dark ugly heart of the industry: Furthering your career, and increasing the earning potential of the star, and the pulling power of that star in a movie - so the studio makes as much money as possible off them.

Giving an Oscar to the brightest young female star in Hollywood right now ensures all of that. Thank you for your question this was difficult to write.

... this is a Maid speaking by the way.

