How will the last book end?
What will happen to Daenerys there?
shareI would bet real money that IF the books are ever finished, there will be a different butt on the Throne of Westeros at the end.
Okay, there was a rumor floating around that D&D changed the ending from the original outline they bought, and that GRRM was contracturally obligated to keep his mouth shut about what he thought of the changes. The rumor said that Jon ended up as King of the Seven Kingdoms, with Jamie has his Hand of the King, and that Jon ordered Jamie to do another Kingslayer if he ever went off his nut and became a tyrant... for what internet rumors are worth. But if it is true that GRRM is pissesd about how they wrapped up his story, and that they bought his silence, then the only place he'll be able to tell D&D to go fuck themselves is in new "ASoIaF" books.
We will see
shareI don't know that we will, that's the frustrating thing. GRRM wrote himself into a corner and had apparently given the books up as a bad job, he's made a mess of them and that's a fact. And he's not young and doesn't appear to be in the best of health, well, who knows what he'll end up publishing.
Although if the rumors are correct and he's pissed at the way the show turned out, well, that might be a hell of a motivator, you know? We'll see.
If he can't finish Winds of Winter which has been due for what, 6 years now?, he'll never finish his story.
GRRM got lazy, fat and old. It is known.
The books will end with a fat man keeling over dead and never finishing his project that he will forever be remembered for.