MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Which episode do you pretend to be the l...

Which episode do you pretend to be the last episode?

When Ramsay died, the show ended for me. Cersei's episode is also amazing, but Battle of the Bastards is something else.




Season 1 Episode 1

Bran should have died. You know it makes sense.


If only!! Everyone was joking that bran would wake up and it was all his dream form his coma after thrown from the window! That would probably have been better than what we actually got!! Haha

Might as well just gone all out and have Ayra win and final scene she sits on throne, then takes a face off and it’s Ethan Hunt.... DUN DUN DUNDUN DOODLE DOOOO DODDLE DOOO


Last episode, season 4. After that so much of the show sucked.




Season 6 Episode 10 - Daenerys sails to Westeros. A fantastic ending to the series.

I only wish Season 7 had been about destroying Cersei, taking everything she controlled and loved bit by bit starting in the south and moving northwards, and Season 8 being fully about the Night King's Invasion of Westeros.


Season 7, Episode 6

Jon is injured, and when Dany talks to him she informs him that collecting a wight was stupid. Why even bother with a snake like Cersei or the Lannister army? Dany is a dragon kween. She decides to attack, and the Lannister army falls to her power almost immediately. She burns some of King's Landing to root out Cersei. Jaime lives, but he dies in the north fighting the great war. Dany returns to king's landing to kill off Euron. The hound and the mountain have their epic battle. Tyrion is banished to the night's watch. Sansa bends the knee. Jon and Dany fall in love, bringing many years of peace and prosperity.


You can't really do that with this show; unlike other shows. GOT was a show that was all about the build up to the finale; without the finale it is an incomplete story. If you were to ask which was the last great episode; that is tough to tell; probably Hardhome was the last truly great episode (scratch that "The Spoils of War" i think qualifies as a great episode)


How about I pretend the show (and stupid books) NEVER EXISTED.

No-one, NO-ONE should attempt to out-Tolkien Tolkien at his own game, he's the KING OF FANTASY, he just CANNOT BE BEATEN. All those who try and fail (like GRRM) should be summarily EXECUTED for their TREASON.


The season 4 finale, for me. Season 5 was when the show began to precipitously decline (not that it didn't have problems before that, but seasons 1-4 were overall pretty great whereas seasons 5-8 declined in quality rapidly). Several months ago I rewatched the first few seasons of Game of Thrones again, but I just couldn't go on after the conclusion of season 4.
