My preferred version of season 8 (for Fun only)
So this is going be a long read. This is only for fun and some closure. My version will have 8 episodes but tries to have a similar ending but with some major 'fixes'. I have 2 alternate endings, one closer to the show and one that is mostly happy. If you feel up to reading let me know what you think.
Episode 1: Relatively the same but an additional 30 minutes added; more tension between Sansa and Dany feeling more alienated by everyone but Jon. This is important because she will start to rely on him more and more for emotional support. Jon finds out from Bran and Sam about his parentage (scene can be almost the same) but there is still 30 more minutes left of this episode. Right around this time Varys receives a letter from Littlefinger (who is still alive but escaped to Bravos using the faceless men because littlefinger would not go out like he did in season 7). The letter reveals Jon's parentage, which Littlefinger knew all along. Littlefinger returns to King’s Landing and offers information on Sansa, Jon and the north to Cersei. She then hires Bronn to Kill Jon, Dany and Tyrion, not Jaime because if she wanted him dead the Mountain would have done it.
Episode 2: As the north continues to prepare for the Battle Jaime arrives and the trial scene happens. It is relatively the same but Bran does more to defend Jaime as well as Brienne and Tyrion. Dany is much more aggressive in this scene especially Jon stands up to her saying the only thing that matters is the battle to come. Dany wants to talk to Jon after the scene but he leaves without another word. Varys confronts Jon in this episode and more in a more subtle manner begins to show support for Jon and suggests he tell Dany. Before he does is confronted by Sansa and Arya about his support for Dany; they are reluctant to trust her (before the battle not after), Jon affirms his full support of Dany, Bran is there and Jon gives him a look saying do not tell. Sansa notices the look, and begins to question it specifically Jon furiously leaves. and goes to the crept to see his mother's statue. This is when the scene when Jon reveals the truth to her. She questions it more about where he got the information, Jon notices the paranoia and reassures her the battle to come is all that matters now, and if it is true they will deal with it after. The episode ends when Tormund and Edd arriving saying the night king will be there before the end of tomorrow; at that moment a large snow storm starts to form as the white walker theme starts to play in the background).
Episode 3: Still battle preparations and escape plans are drown up. But at the same time Varys begins making more subtle moves to get more support for Jon. Jon discusses his parentage with Bran and what to do about it, Bran says it is your choice; but both Arya and Sansa are listening in. In Kings landing the Gold Company arrives and Euron makes more moves on Cersei. Cersei and Qyburn discuss the new improved scorpions and the best way to utilize them, Qyburn and Littlefinger are now both Cersei advisers, Littlefinger knows that he ‘lost’ to Bran in Winterfell but is beginning a new plan, he discusses Bran with Qyburn and they discuss the nature of the Dead army and the magic. Qyburn suggest there may be a way to control the army of the dead, like he does with the Mountain. Littlefinger suggest he has a concept for tricking Bran, by making him see things that aren’t true. That night Cersei does take Euron to bed as the snow begins to fall hard on King's Landing. Back in Winterfell Sansa and Dany have another falling out scene in which Sansa shows more distrust and distain for Dany. Tyrion confronts her after this is when she reveals the truth about Jon. Tyrion and Varys have the discussion about Jon right before going in for the battle planning scene, Tyrion suggest Marriage for them to cement the alliance Varys agrees it would be a good idea but would Dany agree to it. The battle plan is significantly different as the tactics they use are not utterly retarded and Bran is not used as bait but reveals he is going to worg into multiple animals and give updates on the dead and white walkers specific locations for where to aim the trebuchets and it is decided because of the snow storm the dathraki horde would be useless so they send them south. After the battle plan, Tyrion sits down with Bran. Varys informs Sansa and Arya that littlefinger is still alive and back with Cersei. Arya realizes that this could have only been done with the help of the faceless men. Small details remain the same in this episode to episode 2; such as Brienne getting knighted and the small character interactions. Melisandre arrives this episode and as Davos and Jon confront her in raged at her return, she says save it for the dead have arrived at which time the horns blow and the dead arrive.
Episodes 4 through 8 in next posts...