MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > why everyone voted for Bran?

why everyone voted for Bran?

its just so unbelivable when most of them dun even know much about him.


If they'd taken the fucking time to flesh things out they could have actually put in the only possible reason they'd want Bran on the throne: He's a temporary place-holder, one who is only there because can't father a new dynasty. The realm has been devastated by years of war and everything is a mess, the economy is in ruins from war and winter, there are no viable candidates for king, and half the great houses are defunct or have someone clueless in charge. Nobody wants to deal with the mess Cersei and Danerys left, and nobody dares start a new conflict because they're all on the verge of famine so none of these mighty lords were willing to ask the others for the office.

So, they put in a guy as king who can't father a new dynasty, who doesn't seem interested in governing, who doesn't have much of a life expectancy, and they think of a nice line of bullshit to feed the public to explain it. In reality, all the great Lords are going to run back home and get their shit together and wait for Bran to die, and when he does they're all going to push themselves or their puppets for the next king, or try for independence. In the meantime, they're going to let Tyrion straighten on the mess left by the War of Five Kings and Two Queens, they all know he's a competent administrator and doesn't want the throne. And all of the great lords at the council understand this (those with triple-digit IQs, anyway), even if none of them say it out loud.

And of course none of this has made it into the script, we're just supposed to buy the pretty story about the crippled boy being magically made king and isn't it sweet.


not quite ... they said that there would be no more handing down power, that every new king would be elected from the electoral college, so to speak, of the lords of Westeros.


These things happened in our history but sooner or later there was always someone who thought that a dynasty would be a great thing. So, I'm pretty sure everyone thought: fine, let's be done with this war but the next time...


Every time I read one of your emotionally posts here, it just proves you expect things to work out your way and when it doesn't it really bothers you. The world according to OTTER...Lol
Why don't you write a letter to RR MARTIN and tell him how to write his books and how to write the ending too?

If you ever understood the real theme of this show GOT, then you would know why Bran was chosen as King, but I doubt you ever will but continue to rant your anger of BS about what you think or how things should be? I bet you have a tough time being you because life is UNFAIR..Lol


lol You consider that an "emotionally heated" post? lol



That's one of my less heated posts. There are others.

As for working things out my way, well, if the writers can't be arsed to explain why they pulled King Bran out of their asses when he's got no right to the throne and nobody thinks him capable of ruling, well, it's up to the fans to find a way to explain it. Or not.

There's really no explaining some of season 8.


Again you refuse or incapable of understanding why Bran king became because you don't comprehend the GOT as a story or its theme. You were defending Danny last week and you were proved wrong when I told you you are not getting what her character's role in the story, but now you are harping about the ending is wrong and Bran should not be king? Maybe its you who should take your head out of your ass, Bran is KING because RR Martin wrote it that way, just like the way he wrote Danny's was not going to be queen. Get it? I doubt it.


Okay, YOU explain why Tyrion and all the lords of Westeros want Bran to be king.

From the characters' POV, not Martin's.

Because it makes absolutely no sense for them to do that, unless they want a placeholder.


I saw this on Youtube that this guy predicated Bran will be king over a month ago and I think it does actually make sense that Bran became King, but to people like YOU who had other expectations and can't comprehend what are the core deeper meanings and the core themes of these Books really were, then it is hard because you wanted to end the way YOU think it make sense and not really even taking into account there is a theme or message to this entire story that you have failed to even understand:


Why does it make sense for Bran to be king, unless the great lords want a harmless placeholder who'll be a figurehead while they repair the damages of war and figure out how to grab the throne forthemselves?

Really, why?

Bran has no dynastic claim to the throne, no political or governmental ability, and no influence.




"it's up to the fans to find a way to explain it. Or not."
Maybe you should start reading the books and get the answers from the writer that wrote it instead if waiting for fans to explain it or even bother to maybe consider that you are WRONG? Or that you are clueless about this show's themes? maybe to educate yourself by reading or watching some of RR Marting interviews instead of your constant rants here to devalue a show or creators of it that you could not even compete with.


FYI noob, the books haven't been finished.


they knew enough about the bad stuff of everyone else ... Bran had to be better.


It only make sense as a viewer but not as a lord at the time with like zero knowledge who Bran is ....


ll the lords of westeros were there when they said why they had to protect Bran before the battle, no?


over half of them werent at the battle of winterfell


they read it in the news


Bran was worse than everyone else though. Bran knew Dany was going to go bat shit crazy and did nothing to stop it. He also knew that after she slaughtered everyone he would be voted king and said nothing so that he would be made king... His hands are as dirty as Dany's so he was a horrible choice.


Hey but you're forgetting all of the heroic deeds he performed at the battle of Winterfell.... oh... nevermind.


sitting on a chair and acting as bait is heroic?


Now that he is king he will start walking again... the whole can't walk act was just so so everyone would wait on him hand and foot.... but now that he's king he'll just demand they carry him around when he doesn't want to walk.


Which implies that Bran had no way to improve on those outcomes.


Is he even human? Why vote for someone as cold as him?


Cuz he has great stories.




Bran has the ability to alter the past and also to foresee every possible outcome, so he just chose the one in which he is selected as king.


The lamest of writings. Your call.


I think all of you who critic about why Bran became the King really never understood the very depth of GOT and its theme. Each power shift in the story represented something; there is a reason Bran became King because for one thing he had no desire for power or to rule like Danny or Cersi or others who were kings, but that may sound too lame to someone like you?. I saw this video on Youtube that someone else had predicated over a almost 3 weeks ago that Bran would be king at the end and it ties a lot of the deeper core themes of this story and the books to bring forth its reasoning. I suggest you watch this and maybe get something out of it, maybe also watch some interviews with R R Martin and understand his perspective on what he was trying to convey in this story, because he didn't write 5 books to just be about good and evil:


But he did want to be king... if he truly had no desire to be king then he would not have shown up at the meeting. He even admitted that to Tyrion. He was the most cold and evil person to take the iron throne. He could have stopped the slaughter but in doing so it would have kept him from being king so he let it happen just so he could be king. He was worse than Cersei.


"cold and evil person"?
Wow, that's just way overboard statement about Bran?
I mean I can see he is kind of cold due to his change of identity to the 3eyed Raven, but you
are very very wrong, he has Empathy and care and he did forgive Theon and Jaimie and even said he hated no one.
How could he have stopped a slaughter?...where do you come up with these ideas that you can actually maybe even give examples of to support your statement? By what means could Bran stop a slaughter ? How could you even compare to Cersi? who did Bran kill?
The more I read some of the posts on this boards, the more I realize how truly people lack depth in even understanding the core themes of this story and novels. It's all black and white to you, and RR Martin's story works more on shades of gray, but it may take years for people to really dig deeper into the books and maybe even some colleges start using these books as a way to discuss the meanings of themes but they way D&D have made this show by cutting it down to shorter is what has killed the narrative that people like you just see things from one angle and judge a character because the story is incoherent in the show therefore people all react so differently; the blame lies on the two greedy jerks D &D that have caused this confusion by cutting and editing these books that the essential parts of characters are missing and ofcourse people who watch the show not knowing why Bran became the King and it does not make sense.


Well to begin with, he didn't have to tell Jon about his true identity now did he? Part of the reason Dany went bat shit crazy was that they was pretty much abandoned by Jon. If he had not basically dumped her he would have still be able to exert influence on her. Bran was the little soothsayer that saw what was going to happen in the future and knew that his actions were going to be responsible for all the events leading up to him becoming king. He could have said nothing and Dany would have continued on to remove Cersei without killing all the women and children... hell he could have told them about the ships being ready for the dragon attack but he didn't ... The only things he told them about the future were things that helped move him into the throne. I seriously doubt Martin will have this ending if he ever bothers to finish the books because it is probably the worst possible ending they could have dreamed up.


What do you mean he didn't have to tell Jon about his identity?
That's in the BOOKS, RR Martin wrote the character of Jon for a reason for him to discover who he is, not for 8 seasons keep it a secret. Dany was NEVER going to be queen, all the clues and hints were in the entire show but people or fans like you could not or refuse to see them, she was written as a cautionary tale a warning of someone obsessed with power but never really knowing its meaning or what it means to be a leader, and her actions when the bells rang were not justified and she did exactly what her character innately was all along and that's why she died.


But he did want to be king... if he truly had no desire to be king then he would not have shown up at the meeting. He even admitted that to Tyrion.

No, he didn’t admit that to Tyrion. On the contrary, when Tyrion said he doesn’t want to be the Hand, he replied: "And I don't want to be king."
You’re probably referring to the thing a few moments earlier, when Tyrion asked: "Will you lead the Seven Kingdoms?" and he replied: "Why do you think I came all this way?", thus saying that he WILL do it but not that he WANTS to do it. It’s quite possible that while Bran probably can see the future, he can’t change it. He is, as Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen put it, merely a puppet that can see the strings. He’s fulfilling his destiny because he has no other choice.
Just like he said to Jon: "You were exactly where you were supposed to be", he now is where he’s supposed to be. But not by choice.


Except that Bran did a choice in revealing to Jon his true parents. He could have simply said nothing and things would have unfolded differently. He made a conscious choice to tell Jon, now you could assume that had he not done that, that the end result would have been more people on the other side getting killed... but still he made a decision that resulted in a future with women and children slaughtered. He cannot escape that, he is as vile as Dany or Cersei, possibly worse since he actually saw the future.


Bran’s exact word were: "He needs to know the truth (…) We need to tell him (…) It's time to tell Jon the truth."

All of them CAN be interpreted as conscious choice, yes.
But they work just as well as "following the path that destiny laid out for them".


lol. this is so true if you think about it.


Hes prob the best choice from the perspective of the viewer, my point however is why would all the lords there most of them barely know him would vote for him instead of recommanding someone with more experience/older.


They wouldn't have. Nor would they have been pleased to have Sansa exempt from his rule simply because she was his sister. Most likely one of the others in attendance would have quickly slit his throat and then asked him if he saw that future as well.



"Most likely one of the others in attendance would have quickly slit his throat and then asked him if he saw that future as well."

This should have been how it ended. It actually would have been truer to the rest of the show.


I think you are missing something about the theme of this show. I knew from almost 4 or 5th season that who ever ends up King it wont be either Jon or Danny, those were what many or majority of FANS wished for, but they dismissed the very core of the story and theme of this show was that it was about shift of power. Those that were in power from Robert, Ned Stark, Lanisters, Frays, Boltons, etc, each represents the many aspects and features of power structure and Bran was someone who like unlike anyone was not seeking power and nor did he wanted it but his ability to see the past and see what mistakes caused wars and also having Tyrion at this side along Davos and Sam, Brieane etc, it is what makes the entire infrastructure of what Bran's administration; to have the support of experience that he needed on his side. I personally always thought Tyrion will end up being King, that was my hope but Bran choosing him for hand is actually made me realize how their pairing is what makes to work, so what you are forgetting that its not just Bran, its a whole package that comes with Bran that fills in the gaps for older and experience he may lack to get council from. All those people we saw around the round table with Tyrion went through hell on this show to know they don't want to repeat that again.
