MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > I have a bad feeling Brienne will die ne...

I have a bad feeling Brienne will die next week *SPOILER*

Having Brienne be knighted gave some closure to the character so I feel plot wise it would be the next logical step to kill her off during the war next week. I do not want it to happen as she is my personal favorite character but all signs points she will meet her maker next week :( Probably while protecting Jamie or something.. Not looking forward to it...


Could be. I can also see her surviving the whole thing and becoming the first womans Kingsguard for whoever ends up ruling in the end.

This episode was named after her afterall, wasn't it? "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms". Seems kind of odd to name an episode in the final season after a secondary character. Perhaps she is much more important than we realise.


I personally hope that would be the case


Wish Tormund raped her first. He's such a wildling!


Shes going to have a three way with Jamie and Tormund first.


Her knighting sealed her fate. Everyone knows that characters who get a sentimental scene like that aren't going to live long.


I agree.
Also, either Grey Worm or Missandei is going to die. Or both.


I actually think the show is going to follow recent Hollywood trends and Missandei will sit on the Iron Throne with Greyworm as her Hand. Or possibly they will abolish the Iron Throne and act as wise advisors to a Socialist Collective of survivors. Regardless, I think those two will outlast all the evil, backstabbing treacherous White people who have exploited them for so long.


Remember, you drew first blood.


I agree. Usually when a major arc closes for a character, that's when they end up taking a dirt nap.
