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4 Reasons Why Cersei will Probably beat everybody else [Prediction]

1. Geography: She is the lowest on the map from where the White Walkers come from. This puts her at a significant strategy to either be saved from the fights with them, interfere with the fights, or win the fights. She will more than likely dishonor the "truce" she made to help fight them. I believe this may push Jamie away from her for good since he is changing.

2. She has Qyburn: Note the moment when Qyburn took the White Walkers hand. He marveled at its fascination, I consider it a prelude to that He may very well be able to create similar armies and fighters from this.

3. The Iron Bank of Bravos: Having paid off the entire Lannister/Baratheon debts with what was plundered from the Tyrells. The bank granted them access to more funding. This is a serious problem because she may now be able to buy copious amounts of armies/supplies and other things.

4. Winter is here: Note: See Geography/Iron Brank of Bravos. They are in a better strategic position for winters arrival. They have access to more money than anyone else and can provide food for it.


You forgot she's pregnant by her own brother, and has no real supporters except Qyburn.

Who's only on her side because he has nowhere else to go. Jamie is through with her and Euron is only there because he thinks he can take the throne away from her.


She has no support, the people are against her, but are too afraid to act--because of the Mountain and the other Queensguard. It was only mere weeks earlier in show time that she was completely nude being shamed across King's Landing, from Great Sept to Red Keep--and people threw poop at her.

She will be removed from power before series end, and her life, the only questions I have is who will do the deed and how will it be done.


You both have good points for sure. The bottom line though, is that she IS the queen and lots of people in the series follow people they don't like.

None of my points were debated though, just reasons why she wouldn't win haha I think I do have some valid defense for the claim


Good points. I think you do a good job of illustrating why she isn't completely down and out, not necessarily why she is going to win.

1. Geography / Iron Bank of Bravos / Winter is Here: I think points 1, 3 and 4 all play into one another. I agree that she is in a good position because KL is the furthest away from the battle for sure. But there are so many variables that to come to the reductive conclusion that it means Cersei will win is naive.

-In terms of geography, Bravos is northeast of KL, southeast of Winterfell, smack dab in between the two locations distance wise. And the WW have already passed the wall so the odds are pretty even in terms of how long it will take what army to get from point A to point B.
-The bank is aware of the dragons but not of the WW invasion force. Also Dragonstone is closer to KL than Bravos and Pyke and we don't know whether Dany is going to reinforce this location and Winterfell each with its own Dragon.
-Jaime has already abandoned Cersei and headed north. I think we can safely assume that when he joins Dany and Jon he will give up all of his insider information on Cersei including: that she doesn't plan to keep the truce, Euron is still on her side and that the bank is still in her corner.

So when you break it down there is no real way to tell based on those points. I think the biggest advantage Dany has in this situation is Jaime.

2. Qybern: He's certainly an asset, but the idea that he could raise a loyal WW army with his science rather than magic is a massive leap. For one thing, he doesn't have the hand anymore. Jon burned it. Two, bringing back the mountain was a long and arduous process AND he wasn't completely dead at the time. So there is a difference here between science and magic. Lastly, he doesn't have the numbers (in terms of bodies) and he doesn't have the time.

One big counterpoint: Cersei's plan rests on the idea that the WW will wipe out her enemies and that she can simply take care of whats left over.


(ran out of word room in the previous post)
What she fails to realize is that if the WW win against the north, everyone they kill gets added to their army. Its like a virus. Which guarantees that she will be defeated. If she expects Dany to win then there is no reason not to help her in the battle. I think the better bet, is that either she loses or its more like mutually assured destruction at this point.

One thing that I thought might be a good twist is that upon learning from Jaime what Cersei is really planning, that Dany withdraws all forces from Winterfell, reinforces Dragonstone and lets the WW march on KL before deciding to attack them. She can always have her spies send word to the common people of KL to leave and come to Dragonstone. That's what I would do anyway.


Hey there, great points/rebuttal! So here's my response

1. Very fair points for sure. To be fair though, Euron already left to get the golden company mercenaries for Cersei before the white walkers broke the wall down. So they may have a headstart. The battles up north will prevent them from getting south soon I believe. Thus preparing a stronger strike on her part.

2. I need to elaborate what I meant on the Qyburn white walker hand. I believe it's a foreshadowing to him experimenting on them somehow. Don't know how many times you have seen the show but there is a ton of foreshadowing throughout it. That is a valid point though that it took him awhile to do what he did to the mountain. Yet it was also the first time he ever did it I believe. Qyburn is pretty smart and first time experiments will always take longer in the beginning and shorter there after once the process is refined imo

I do agree with that counterpoint and that it may actually create the night king sitting on the iron throne. I still believe Cersei has grown smart/evil enough though to play it smart.

I actually just recently rewatched season 7 and you are right about Jamie maybe being a huge advantage to Daenarys. However, it also wasn't long ago when he went on that long rant about his love for Cersei in season 6 to that prisoner from the red wedding [can't remember his name] and she is pregnant again so I don't know if he will betray her or not.

Yet his character development in season 7 is pretty strong. When he kills Olenna and she tells him it was her that poisoned Joffrey, you could see he was mortified because he knew his brother was innocent, and at the end when Cersei expects him to break his knighthood vows to go north....Tough to say for sure what he will do.

I think if he does let them know Cersei's plans then something really bad is gonna have to happen to trigger it.
