MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > What do you think of Cersi? Bad ass, lik...

What do you think of Cersi? Bad ass, like, dislike, just like her father?

What do you think of Cersi? Bad ass; maybe just like her father? Wow can Cersi lie a storm! Did she turn Tyrion the dwarf who would want to save Cersi's new child?


Cersei is vain, cruel and stupid. She inherited all of her father's bad characteristics and none of the good.


^ I second that.


Great villian, right?


An interesting villain. I don't really hate her like I did Joffrey or Ramsey. I cheered her when she had her revenge against that horrible nun and Ellaria Sand. I'll admit she's lasting a lot longer than I thought she would. She suddenly grew a few braincells in season 7. I bet she gets stupid again in season 8 LOL.


She started as a victim to her dad and Robert, then used her brother for love she couldn't get from Robert who loved Lyann. I think everything was born from this. Yes?


I think all originated from Cersei being an idiot. After all, if she had one legitimate heir then there would've been no civil war. Cersei wanted to marry royalty and be a queen (in flashback) the same way that Sansa was happy to be engaged to Joffrey before reality set-in.

I think she has been in love with Jaime since they were children so I wouldn't blame Robert. She also was having sex with her first cousin. She has a very cruel streak in her by the way she hated Tyrion and laughed when Joffrey did cruel things to others.


She is plenty stupid in season 7 denying the magnitude of the northern threat and betraying the human race.


She's like the Lucy Ricardo of Westeros - always coming up with one nutty scheme after the next eventually ending up in a horrible mess.

She's still plenty dumb, but having her enemies kill each other, and having to contend with a tired and less populous victor isn't that bad a plan. If she were smart, she'd have a Plan B just in case that fails - but she's not.


But she's tough, no? I mean she's smarter then all of them yes?


Oh she's not stupid, she's just not as smart as she thinks she is. She's fairly intelligent, she just doesn't know her limitations - such as her total lack of insight into other people. Tywin had great insight into himself and others, and a sort of, well, not a moral code, but he had standards and took them very seriously. Cersei puts no limitations on herself at all, and doesn't see why she should.

She's cruel, ruthless, utterly selfish and self-absorbed, crazy, cunning, indifferent, greedy, irrational, vicious, angry, destructive, and she's reveling in her newfound freedom to be evil! She's such great fun to watch, I'll miss her terribly when she's gone.


You think they'll kill her?


She is on Arya's list and now she has Littlefinger's face if she wants to get access to Cersei. Besides, I don't believe her baby will be born. Either a miscarriage or Cersei dies as per prophecy re: only 3 children born to her.

Cersei is as dumb as a wall. She doesn't think her plans through and she's the reason why Tommen killed himself. She's double-crossing Dani, but allowed Jamie to leave and ride to them and probably reveal Cersei's strategy.


She has the face of everyone she kills?


Not sure. But Littlefinger's face would come in handy. Cersei has been so mean that I could see her being killed. The Hound appears to have redeemed himself so I wouldn't want Arya to kill him.


A girl no longer has The Hound on her list.


LOL. I'd like to hear those words from her.


I'd like her to say go play with yourself with your new hand jamie! Or something funnier which is why i'm not a high paid writer ; )


I think she can use the face of any dead person, we don't know the details. But it's pretty certain that she can do anything she likes with Littlefinger's corpse, neither his family nor the local authorities (Sansa) are going to interfere.

It really is a bit sad. All that time amassing power and wealth, and now that he's gone nobody's going to have anything to say about his death but "Am I in the will?".


I think the Vale goes back to that pussy kid that can't shoot an arrow.


"I'd like her to say go play with yourself with your new hand jamie! Or something funnier which is why i'm not a high paid writer ; )"

That line about "that pu**y kid who can't shoot an arrow" was actually very funny. Poor Robin. I'm now rooting for him to get the Iron Throne.


There's no way the people of King's Landing would accept Cersei as queen, especially after she openly beds her brother and the rumors go flying. I have a hard enough time believing that the goldcloaks and the kingsguard would protect her either. She has none of the class that Tywin had, is a great deceiver, and is just plain wicked. She wouldn't be able to keep the peace, there would be riots, and the remaining Lannister army would be spread out too thin.


But she is Queen now. The people would revolt against her? Or the army would kill her? What about her the Mountain?


I don't think that Cersei should be in the same room with the Mountain when the Night King comes since he's undead.


I wonder if he can control the Mountain? Is the Mountain like Frankenstein Monster?


The Mountain is like Frankenstein Monster since he was brought back from the dead. I was wondering if the Hound was talking about the Night King when he said that they both knew who was coming for the Mountain.


Maybe Arya?


That's interesting. But, Mountain doesn't know that Arya is a psycho killer now.


Your right. Hmmm. Who then?


Night King or the Hound himself.


Hound was probably referring to himself, and face it we've all been waiting for "Cleganebowl" for years now.

I actually wonder if Arya would be able to kill the Mountain in his present condition. I suspect knife or Needle wounds wouldn't have any effect on him, taking him out probably requires the strength to hack him into bits.


Or the perhsps he was talking about The Lord of Light.


Most of the people in King's Landing already know about Cersei and Jaime, she stays in power because they are afraid of her. But now that snow is falling there, the food supply will start to get low. And when they are starving, that's when they will revolt.


And the Iron Bank?


You can't eat gold


I find Cersei to be a very disgusting character. She is stupid, ignorant, hateful and an absolute terrible mother. Hope she gets killed off soon.


She's just being an average woman...


And you're being an average troll...


Now now, doesn't need to get that way. I'm just saying she started as a victim to her dad and Robert, then used her brother for love she couldn't get from Robert who loved Lyann and just ignored her while drinking and whoring to forget Lyann. I think everything was born from this loneliness and usage of poor stupid Jamie. Then, she killed the hand to protect her incest secret. Then Brann for the same reason. Then she has to hire a thug to finish Brann. Then she kills Robert. Then Ned. And she kept getting deeper into it becoming one bad ass crazy villian even Jamie doesn't want anymore. Yes?


»Then, she killed the hand to protect her incest secret. Then Brann for the same reason.«

Which hand?
She didn’t have anything to do with Jon Arryn’s death – and to kill Ned Stark was Joffrey’s decision, not approved by Cersei. It was Jamie who pushed Bran out of the window (and since she was alone with Jamie when she told him she didn’t want that, we can believe her), and the thug was hired most likely by Littlefinger.


She did kill Jon Arryn.


No, Lysa poisoned her husband, Jon Arryn, at the urging of Littlefinger. I'm not sure exactly why other than the fact that he manipulated and seduced her. And she was a nutcase.
Check out season 4 when she talks about it with Littlefinger and he shushes her up..
It wasn't Cersei.
Jaime did push Bran out the window but if was for Cersei and the children.
And it was Joffrey that ordered the assassin to finish Bran off as Robert had called it "a mercy" on his deathbed and Joffrey wanted to please him.


»No, Lysa poisoned her husband (…) Check out season 4 when she talks about it with Littlefinger and he shushes her up«

Moreover, Sansa accused him in S07E07: "Earlier, you conspired to murder Jon Arryn. You gave Lysa Tears of Lys to poison him. Do you deny it?"
And Sansa knew this because Bran told her.


You started it dude, I'm a woman and she is a despicable character.


She sees the seven deadly sins as her "to do" list.




Cersei: probably the one character that I truly love to hate. Any scene with her in it is a good one. I wish that she fails about half the time or less when she attempts to do anything. I just love seeing that shit eating grin on her face when she thinks she's won or outsmarted someone and the audience knows that she fucked up in reality. Delectable


She was really smart this past season, especially how she took Highgarden and all their gold for the iron bank which now has given her the cred to buy the golden company and how she took down Dorn and the Greyjoy fleet with her lies to the Hreyjoy King and his giant ships, and her getting him to fake running away only so he can fairy the gold company over BUT now SHE'S GONE TO FAR...she's lost everyone to be Queen because Jamie took off on her and it hurts her but she can't stop herself. She's been a great character from day 1...


She hasn't taken Dorn; she's only captured Ellaria, who probably was hated by many in Dorn for the fact that she killed the king despite a faction supporting her, and the sand snakes. I hope Euron dies a horrible death in Essos or throws himself overboard like he almost did in the past and fuck the Gold Company, it was created by Targaryans anyway so i hope it backfires.


The showrunners aren't giving her much in terms of character arc. Now she's just too easy to despise. May as well give her an outfit that resembles a combination of Cruella Deville and the Wicked Queen from Snow White and Sleeping Beauty's Maleficent.


Or feel sorry for? Married to Robert against her will, resorting to incest for attention she couldn't get from Robert while Robert banged everything in the kingdom, she gets caught up trying to keep the throne as one by one her family dies until now, with Jamie going north, she's on top but totally alone as she started with Robert...and they showed how she was hurt from it. Great character!!!


In your opinion, sure. I just can't find any empathy for her, or genuine disdain. She's just too easy to hate.


Trump destroying public education for average and poor Americans is easy to disdain; I say if you understand Cersi's motivations and history, that she's a complicated evolved character.


her motivations are petty, but so are the sand snakes, and the tyrells. First world problems if you ask me.


Yeah...they made some concessions to her character where there might be some sympathy for her but nearly every woman in the show has had it rougher than her. And most of the men too.
If someone like Joffrey or Ramsey exists then you might want to discover some history that sheds some light on their behavior. But no excuses. Everyone has a choice.
Some people are just bad seeds that get fueled by their poor environment. But it doesn't excuse them.
Horrible people have to be dealt with for what they are..Not what they might've once been .

I had no sympathy for Cersei and only rooted for her with the even more horrible sand snakes. I was with her for those religious nuts, too, until she didn't care who else she might harm to get to them.


I think perhaps they've given her a baby to somewhat humanize her. Before it was her and Jamie against the world, now its the baby as well.


She let Jamie go. She's become mad for power???


Are you making a statement or asking me a question?


I love to hate Cersi...she's the only one of the Lannisters who embraces her evil side. In that sense, she is truly amoral (one of the hallmarks of great villains). She knows she commits evil acts, but she doesn't care, whereas her father was more immoral, like a Republican--he did evil things but actually believed he was acting on the side of right and had law and tradition on his side.

Let me also add that Lena Headey gives me massive wood, too. I think she's the hottest woman on the show.


I agree.


Very astute observation and I wholeheartedly agree. Also, she's shown her real boobies in other stuff for what it's worth.


Yes, Lena is not shy about her body. Very admirable quality of hers.

