Does not seem possible

Are we siupposed to accept the notion that a Gendry ran back to Eastwatch and had a Raven sent. The Raven would get to Dragonstone that fast AND have Danarys fly up to north before the water freezes? How long were they waiting. Makes no sense. How the heck long were they their? Lastly, skipping over the fact the White walkers had giant chain at their disposal,how did they get the chains on the dragon? If they entered the water, what prevented them from doing the same with the group they were waiting to kill.


my math.

It's ~ 300 miles from Dragonstone to wherever Jon was beyond the Wall.
Jon and company only traveled 10 miles from the wall on foot.
Gendry ran ~ 5 miles/hour and it took him 2 hours to get back to the wall.
A raven can travel ~ 20 miles per hour
The raven got to Daenerys in ~ 15 hours.
Daenerys and her dragons can go 200 miles per hour and it took them 1.5 hours to get to wherever Jon was beyond the wall.

Therefore, the whole scene probably took ~ 18.5 hours to 20 hours.


It can take less time if you shorten the distance between Dragonstone and the Wall and keep the speed of the raven and the dragons relatively the same. So if the Distance between Dragonstone and the wall is only 150 miles, it would only take ~10 hours to 12 hours.


Way to do some math.
