Why not build
1000 scorpion weapons to combat the dragon? It was a bit laughable they only had the one and nobody was manning it either. I know it was a surprise attack, but come on.
share1000 scorpion weapons to combat the dragon? It was a bit laughable they only had the one and nobody was manning it either. I know it was a surprise attack, but come on.
shareNo doubt by now the wall perimeter of King's Landing has Scorpion Crossbows all over the place, but yeah it was silly that Jaime didn't keep the weapon manned at all times, knowing full well three dragons were out there and could strike at any moment.
shareThat's the way to do it. Lots and lots of scorpions.
And then the counter to the counter is: you only launch your dragon attack on a moonless night.
They're not idiots, both have done intelligent things. Maybe they're not as smart as Tywin or Tyrion, and maybe Cersei doesn't have a great grasp of things she doesn't want to know, but Team Dany shouldn't underestimate them.
Well for one thing, I think they were still a bit skeptical about whether she really had the dragons. I mean they had reports of it but its one of those things where you don't believe it until you see it with your own eyes. As for why it wasn't manned, its probably because they clearly weren't expecting an attack there. And now that Dany knows about the weapon and how it functions, my guess is she will know how to counter it. A moonless attack as suggested would work. But also, while it can swivel in a 360 angle, it can't aim directly up in a completely vertical stance. And hitting a flying moving target is hard enough as it is. Its a good weapon but it has some limitations.