REVEALING Jon Snow's Parentage
Do you think that Jon's parentage would be revealed to Jon and other characters like Dany in the show? How would they reveal it you think? And what impact would it have on various characters?
I don't think Dany would be very happy to learn of another Targaryan tbh because he would represent a threat to her supposed right to the 7 Kingdoms. And I would assume she would doubt, suspect, and reject it even when she first hears of it.
But if it is revealed, I just cannot imagine how it will be revealed, through Bran? I can see Bran revealing it to Jon but to others aside from his companions, I don't know. I also don't think it will be in the records for Sam to see, why would anyone have written it down in a ledger anyway? If Sam begins to suspect, it's more likely due to inconsistency in the records like Ned going into the Tower without an infant and coming out with one.
What happened to the nursemaids in the Tower of Joy? How would Reed, Ned's companion even go about relating it, we have yet to see him. I'm starting to think even if they show him, he won't have a big role to play.
Or will they use the Dragons to reveal Jon's parentage? Maybe Varys even knows through his little birds?
Any theories? I'm most intrigued by this actually than anything else.
PS. I'm going through the first book again as an audiobook this time and I was struck by Dany stating that she had expected to marry her brother because the blood had to remain strong and unpolluted, similar as to how a human doesn't breed with animals but with other humans (to paraphrase). A Targaryan breeds with a Tragaryan, not with others. Now these are her brothers sentiments actually that she at 13 accepted & expected in the first book. So I wonder if she would feel the same way if she finds out there is another...