Hilarious Fake Spoilers

So I just found this site that randomly generates made up spoilers for Game of Thrones. Try it out and post your favorites!


Some examples:
Meera Reed is actually Missandei.
Lady Stoneheart and Missandei will form an unlikely alliance to reach common goals.
After congratulating Sam's sister, Littlefinger will convert to become a devout follower of The Drowned God.
Theon Greyjoy is actually a powerful spymaster.
Jon Snow will travel to the Dothraki Sea to create Nymeria Sand's most prized possession, hoping it will aid them in the war against the Lannister army.
Rhaegal will travel to the Gift to create the only firearm in Westeros, hoping it will aid them in the war against the battalion of Night's Watchmen.
After flaying Robert Strong, Tyrion will develop feelings for Drogon.



More like - most unlikely things to happen.

Nymeria Sand and Bronn will hesitatingly burn Gulltown.
Shaggydog will plot to steal absolutely nothing from Leyton Hightower
Randyll Tarly and Aegon VI will form an unlikely alliance to reach common goals
The Sandsnakes is actually a reincarnation of Roose Bolton


Nice ones. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»

EDIT: found some more juicy ones...
Robin Arryn and Lyanna Mormont will form an unlikely alliance to reach common goals. (For the last lemon cake, of course.)
After exiling an exile from the dungeons of Sunspear, Littlefinger will slice off Beric Dondarrion's neck.
Damphair and Thoros are revealed to be one and the same, having maintained this crafty facade for years. (Makes sense, almost...)
Bran will warg into The Night's King to murder Ghost. (Noooo! Why Bran, why? 😭😰)
Bran will warg into the long-lost heir to an Essosi kingdom to torture Sandor Clegane. (Seriously, wtf is with Bran being evil?!😨😡)


I'm just going to post a bunch more, just because.

Littlefinger will accidentally come back to life.
In a very unlikely turn of events, the tourney's champion will be elected to lead the alliance's army against the forces of Damphair.
Nymeria and Lady Stoneheart will form an unlikely alliance to reach common goals.
Bran will warg into Viserion to seduce Nymeria.
Sansa will defeat Qyburn with the Iron Bank after swearing fealty to a dangerous psychopath. (Littlefinger?)
Without any provocation, Aegon VI will be resurrected by Ser Pounce.
A handsome knight will cut up Sandor Clegane's face.
Ghost is actually a giant ice spider.
Jon Snow is actually a Wildling princess.
Darkstar will arrive just in time to stab Grey Worm, saving Cersei.
Grey Worm will ally with Lyanna Mormont to plot revenge against a Skagosi unicorn for killing Sandor Clegane.
The Sandsnakes will repent and convert to no particular religion.
Ghost will accidentally attack Jorah Mormont.
Euron Greyjoy is actually Theon Greyjoy.
In a surprising turn of events, Davos Seaworth will be elected to lead the alliance's army against the forces of Brienne of Tarth.
Lord Cerwyn, Benjen, and Jaime will go on a season-long journey to Dorne.
Benjen will defeat Podrick Payne with Robb's lost letter after swearing fealty to Arya.
Bran will warg into a blacksmith to murder a pirate.
Tormund will rally the Lands of Always Winter in the war against Dolorous Edd.
