My thoughts

It's funny that this movie is labeled as comedy because I don't think I had a full on laugh during the whole movie. Sure, I giggled and smirked a few times, but for some reason, the whole movie had a certain gravity throughout the awkward situations that kept my mood mildly serious. Don't get me wrong, I actually thought the movie was quite good. The raw performances of both leads helped pilot the movie to a rather idiosyncratic, quirky indie flick that is surprisingly refreshing and interesting. The flow of the movie was sometimes choppy though. Overall, I can say that I was never bored at all at any point of the viewing which I can't say about a lot of other movies. Good Dick is a great romance/independent/drama, but a bad comedy. Overall, I'm glad I watched it.


It wasn't a laugh a minute type of comedy but it was definitely a comedy, at least for those who can appreciate subtle offbeat humor.


If it's labeled comedy and indie at the same time, it's gonna be this type of movie. Take that home with you.


It just made me feel really upset for its main characters and disturbed.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone
