Best line.

When the old clerk in the store tells Nick he better back that ass up. I about died.


when his dad puts his arm around hhim in the gas station store and says something and then says "son" why does the old clerk get a digusted look on his face?

Talk Hard


Because when he first sees him he's handcuffed in Melissa's car and in this scene Dad is buy EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil... get it extra virgin and then he says something like best thing about the holidays is my wife gets things all greasy something like that. Then he puts his arm around Mario and says let's get home son. Sooooo the Clerk thinks that Dad and Mario and gunna ...


On the topic of the old man working the gas station:

When Trudie said to him, after he gives her the furry handcuffs:

"Well, you better watch out or I'll come back for you next."

Melissa had a genuine smile on her face for the next few seconds.
