Feels like a practical joke
I finally watched this entire movie, barely. It is perhaps the single worst A movie I have seen. Other terrible A movies usually have at least one good feature. The Phantom Menace has Liam Neeson's performance. John Carter has a couple of atmospheric otherwordly moments. Prometheus has a beautiful nature montage.
I'm struggling to think of anything good in Revenge of the Sith, or Southland Tales.
This movie is such a relentless assault of amateur film making. All four lead actors are completely worthless. Every single word from their mouths, and every single facial expression, is self-aware and cringeworthy. Every single line of dialogue is a bewildering, emotionally tone deaf non-sequitur. Every single camera movement is self-aware and distracting. The editing is a mottle of continuity errors and confusion. The score treacles over the mess of it all, making everything sticky and sickly.
I've been watching Red Letter Media's "Best of the Worst" episodes lately, where B movies are watched for their ironic entertainment value and unintentional hilarity. Avatar: The Last Airbender is only distinct from such B movies in its A level cinematography, which is superficially crisp, colourful and professional.
It's mindblowing that such a terrible movie was released by a real movie studio. It belongs on the shelf alongside Double Down and Miami Connection.
Best of the Worst: The Photon Effect, How I Saved the President, and Double Down
Best of the Worst: Deadly Prey, Hard Ticket to Hawaii, and Miami Connection
M. Night Shyamalan must come from a very wealthy family. Only nepotism could keep such a ridiculously, ludicrously untalented film maker in the mainstream for so many years. He belongs in the B movie world with the likes of Neil Breen and Y.K. Kim.
A couple I know are getting married...
...the fools