MovieChat Forums > The Last Airbender (2010) Discussion > It's strange. What is it that people don...

It's strange. What is it that people don't like?

The Last Airbender gets tons of hate but I, like M. Night don't really get why. What is it that they want?


they called it white washing even though the characters look WHITE ON WHITE plus his name change and basically white washing

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


That's what I don't understand. If you look at the cartoon, that's how the characters look on TV. They don't have any accents either.

That's what I don't get.


Yeah, the characters weren't white. The PC movement is ridiculous, but these weren't white characters despite what your tiny brain believes. Clearly a fictional Asian-influenced world with characters meant to appear Asian.


Yeah, the characters weren't white. The PC movement is ridiculous, but these weren't white characters despite what your tiny brain believes. Clearly a fictional Asian-influenced world with characters meant to appear Asian

my family doesnt look like that in real life

thats the key word INFLUENCE why is it that people call foul in Dragonball Z when the lead is white but one key character is BLACK and no one speaks up about that

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


The show used a stylized anime-influenced drawing style. Sorry, but the characters aren't going to look stereotypical Asian. The characters were meant to be Asian, with the exception of the Water Tribe characters who are clearly meant to be Inuit/Native American.

Don't waste my time.


The show used a stylized anime-influenced drawing style. Sorry, but the characters aren't going to look stereotypical Asian. The characters were meant to be Asian, with the exception of the Water Tribe characters who are clearly meant to be Inuit/Native American

how do you know what I envisioned when you say ASIAN!!!

the characters dont even look ASIAN as you say!

they dont have round eyes and wavy hair and whites dont have blonde hair and pointed noses

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


Exactly how many white families do you know that look like the Simpsons? I think your problem is that you don't understand what 'animation' is.

Rosebud is a sled, Snape kills Dumbledore, Ned Stark dies.


Exactly how many white families do you know that look like the Simpsons? I think your problem is that you don't understand what 'animation' is.

none your point being anime is stiylized right how then would you make a mixed raced child in Japan or china

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


Was that supposed to some sort of language that human beings speak? Try again, and please try to form some actual sentences this time.

Rosebud is a sled, Snape kills Dumbledore, Ned Stark dies.


how would you try to draw someone who is of mixed ancestry in Japan@!

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


Generally they'd look pretty much like everybody else, and the script would just have characters mention that they're mixed race every so often. It would be much easier in the Avatar cartoons since the different nations did tend to have some consistent racial features.

Rosebud is a sled, Snape kills Dumbledore, Ned Stark dies.


Generally they'd look pretty much like everybody else, and the script would just have characters mention that they're mixed race every so often. It would be much easier in the Avatar cartoons since the different nations did tend to have some consistent racial features

now i know your talking out of your butt hole

No they dont have racial features or true racial features

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


So you're saying that the Water Tribe don't tend to have darker skin, or that Earth Kingdom don't usually have green eyes? Last I checked, eye and skin color tend to be racial features.

Rosebud is a sled, Snape kills Dumbledore, Ned Stark dies.


So you're saying that the Water Tribe don't tend to have darker skin, or that Earth Kingdom don't usually have green eyes? Last I checked, eye and skin color tend to be racial features

if they had truely drawn the water tribe as Iniut they wouldnt have round eyes and wavy hair

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


First of all, I didn't say anything about Inuit, or even a real world race. You should really learn how to read. Secondly, all human beings have round eyes, regardless of race. Third, I have no idea what you're talking about with wavy hair. Inuits generally don't have wavy hair, and the characters in the cartoon don't have wavy hair. So your vaguely written statement is pretty stupid no matter how it's interpreted.

Rosebud is a sled, Snape kills Dumbledore, Ned Stark dies.


First of all, I didn't say anything about Inuit, or even a real world race. You should really learn how to read. Secondly, all human beings have round eyes, regardless of race. Third, I have no idea what you're talking about with wavy hair. Inuits generally don't have wavy hair, and the characters in the cartoon don't have wavy hair. So your vaguely written statement is pretty stupid no matter how it's interpreted.[/quote]

people who are from southeast asia the orient have round faces straight hair and slanted eyes

ango saxons have wavy hair faire skin and round eyes. OH I know but in airbender they do and they are ASIAN no thats not asia

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


Everybody has round eyeballs, That is a fact. If you're talking about eyelid shape, then you are sill wrong because nobody has round eylids. And if you insist that "ango saxons" have "faire" skin, then why are you defending them playing dark skinned characters like Katara and Sokka?

Also, by your logic, pretty much all anime somehow manages to be set in japan and yet the population is comprised entirely of caucasians. Do you really think that's what is happening? Or maybe you just have an unfortunate predilection to always see white people as the heroes regardless of whether that's the truth or not.

Rosebud is a sled, Snape kills Dumbledore, Ned Stark dies.


- Poor performances.

- Lazy special effects.

- Lazy choreography, heard that all the bending choreography in the film is actually waterbending instead of its respective element. Sifu Kisu has openly criticized all of the bending techniques in the film.

- Shyamalan breaks the golden rule of cinema: Show, don't tell. Seriously, most of the time we need to be told what's going on.

- Nicola Peltz. *beep* it, I already mentioned poor performances, but holy *beep* is her acting bad.

It works as a comedy, though. Or a guilty pleasure, in my case.

I'm tired of talkin, Fuchs. I just wanna get up to my shack and get drunk.


Okay, so I'm going to try to summarize, but as a huge fan of the show it might get out of hand. I'm apologizing in advance.

Firstly, pronunciations and characters. I'm sure you've heard this one time and time again, so I'll skim over it. This wouldn't be so bad if the rest of what I'm going to talk about didn't happen, but since it did it's rather irritating. Fans, also known as the main audience of this movie, went through three whole seasons of hearing the names pronounced as "Ai-ng", "Saw-kah", and even "Eye-row." "Awng", "Sow-kah", and " Eeh-roh", made a majority of us cringe. On top of that, the characters in the show are clearly based on certain cultures. I'll use the Fire Nation as an example, since Katara and Sokka are overused. The Fire Nation was based on Japan, as viewed by Zuko's dertimination to restore his honor, Iroh's comical obsession with tea, and their music. Shymalan made them Indian (except for Iroh[?]) for some reason. A change that nobody really understood. Once again, wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Secondly, acting. Personally, I don't usually complain about child actors, but woowee, was this cringeworthy. There's compilations out there that are pretty easy to find because so many people find it that funny. I mean, look at the Spykids movies. Somehow they've made it pretty okay despite the pretty bad kid acting. Then you look at The Last Airbender and you get lines like "Are you the Avatar, Aang?" (Again an overused example, but it's been running through my head since I started this section.) They could have done another kind of take, where the kids are directed towards a different way to read the line. Or, it could've been better if it were for a somewhat less awkward script.

Moving on. Look at the movie and try to write out the personality types of each character. ... I'm having troubles without trying to reference the show. For example, the first time Aang is introduced in the show, you automatically see that this kid is just that. A kid. He's happy, sweet, has a sense of humor and keeps an open mind like the precious little monk he is. And throughout the show you feel so bad for him because he's pressured into learning all of the elements by a certain time or everything will be destroyed. No pressure. In the movie I don't see a high-spirited, energetic, fun-loving little smol. I honestly didn't feel bad when he saw his culture and people in rubble and extinct. I really, truly didn't, which can be attributed to the fact that we don't learn about him, just what he is. "The Avatar." Katara is meant to be a motherly but still very hold-her-own kind of gal (she took on a master trainer with hardly any experience herself because he refused to teach her), and Sokka is an intuitive, protective leader (who just so happens to be a huge dork that loves meat). None of that was retained in the movie. They were as important to the movie as the chess pieces were to a game of chess, sure, but you also got to know these character just as much as you get to know your chess pieces. "You go here and do this. You do that thing."

I'm almost done here, I knew this was going to be a ramble, I'm sorry. The majority of the movie was just exposition. Katara narrated most of the movie, destroying the rule of "Show, don't tell." As someone who just writes for fun, I try to live by that rule. One would expect professional story tellers would do so as well. An example of everything being one huge exposition is when Zuko randomly calls a kid over to tell him the story of the banished Prince. That was questionable. I mean, who does that? It seemed like the only way to get exposition across without flat out narrating. I'm going to hurry up here and try to finish this off with this last bit.

The bending. Dear God, the bending! Shymalan said he was trying to make the bending more realistic. Go him! I've always thought that in the show they were moving too fast to be humanly possible, anyways. Yeah, the techniques were based on actual martial arts, but there's no way two people would be able to execute some of what they've got going on (especially Aang, 'cause, man, that kid can move faster than the Flash on coffee mixed with crack and RedBull). Then, look at the bending in the movie. It looks so unnatural and impractical it makes one wonder why they even showed any bending at all. The people in this universe have had generations upon generations to explore and pin down the technique to bend their elements, and even to invent more ways to bend elements. Heck, a twelve year old earth bender invents a way to bend metal into makeshift armor. And she's blind! In the movie, it took six men to make a rock kind of float in the direction they wanted it to go. Huge nono when this movie is supposed to be based on a show that has some of the best animated fight scenes ever.

Now, I too liked Shymalan, and I wasn't going to hate him for this movie. I absolutely loathed Batman and Robin like many people, but I still claim Phone Booth as one of my favorite movies even though it was also directed by


(I'm sorry, I accidentally posted before I finished my closing.)

Joel Schumacher. However, the most frustrating part about this entire thing is that Shymalan didn't own up to the fact that nobody likes this movie because it's bad and is a huge offense to the material. He never said, "Whoops, my bad. You can't win them all, I suppose." Or even, "I get that this movie isn't for everyone. I'm just glad I got to make it, because I had fun with it." Instead he claimed that "American's just don't get it" and that the movie was intended for children like the show was. (When I first watched this movie I was the exact age he claimed this movie was intended for, and I still didn't like it one bit. That age was 9, by the way.) It makes a bad director out of him, and shows he can't handle criticism when presented. This is what made me lose my respect for him, and honestly, people don't have to hate him, that's just my personal opinion.

Finally, I will say that I don't fully blame Shyamalan. It's stupid to do so, as there was an entire film crew behind him. The costumes were fantastic, and the effects were pretty nice on the eyes. Generally speaking, he did end up saving the important bits of the plot, as it's very hard to squish an entire season of something into one movie. So, naturally, I don't judge anyone who does like this movie, and I would never put anyone down for thinking I'm dumb for getting so worked up over it, because it is pretty of dumb... But like I've said, I was the intended audience for this movie, so one could imagine that as a child who was exposed to this show and its characters, I got attached, and I'm still attached. Hell, it's easy for adults to get attached because the characters are so genuine and the feel of this world was so thought out. So yes, I'm very defensive of this show, and it's spirit, which the movie seemed to scratch out for the sake of time.

Anyways, you do you, and again, I'm sorry for rambling. It's good that you like the movie, because it does have a lot of good things going for it. It's just hard to see those good things when you're blinded by what went wrong after you've seen the show.


But does it make it absolutely detestable? No. That's why M. Night can't really say he's that concerned by it. I mean even the people who were quite new to these characters got a little inkling of the name change. Me, I never watched the series but I've seen ads on Nick for it.


I recommend this video, because it focuses on the movie's storytelling ineptitude rather than character races, name pronunciations, etc:


I'll watch it. But like Dragonball Z, the characters in the cartoon don't look precisely Asian. They don't look precisely white but I'd say they look more white than Asian.

But that's neither here nor there.


The white-washing is the least of the movie's problems.

Bad acting, bad pacing, so-so effects, etc.

Let's be bad guys.


I'll watch it. But like Dragonball Z, the characters in the cartoon don't look precisely Asian. They don't look precisely white but I'd say they look more white than Asian.

But that's neither here nor there.

How but I do agree with you. I am astounded chinese and Japanese and Koreans say they have round eyes and wavy hair

Look like Tarzan talk like Jane! HAHA


I recommend this video, because it focuses on the movie's storytelling ineptitude rather than character races, name pronunciations ...
I think that's the main problem with the film.🐭


I think the biggest problem is..

This is a show for kids. But you have adults who expect far too much.


That didn't stop adults enjoying the show.


Nope. Far from a kids show. It's audience is aimed at kids but from from a kiddy kids show especially the various mature plot points like; Genocide, Loss of a family member, assassination plots, deaths, etc

Like Pixar you can say


This is a show for kids. But you have adults who expect far too much.

If by adults, you mean the writers, then yeah, you're right. Because the writers worked in plot elements of genocide, murder, assassinations, redemption, family, and much more.

So the fans didn't expect far too much, we were actually given a lot.

Let's be bad guys.


If you really have to ask that you are not that bright


The Last Airbender gets tons of hate but I, like M. Night don't really get why.

Maybe you just have bad taste.


"IF you have to ask, you'll never know." -Angelica Pickles.
