incomprehensibly bad!!! (Spoilers)
I finally got round to watching this the other night. 7.9 suggested it would be way above average and I had heard so many good things about it. Firstly, I just wanted to repeatedly punch the Maggie Grace character in the face. Never has a more annoying brat been portrayed on celluloid, so I was completely distanced from the drama as I cared not what happened to her! Secondly, Mr Neesen wanders around Paris asking questions, masquerading as a French policeman, without even the slightest hint of a French accent. Thirdly, where did the 96 hour deadline come from? Totally illogical, just a stupid gimick to increase tension. Fourthly, with the US having such problems with gun crime etc One would have thought a trip to Europe would have been a great deal safer. But oh no! Mr Neeson is quick to warn his empty-headed twat of a daughter how horrendously dangerous Europe, with all its cliched, stereotyped characters actually is. Alas, she is in Paris no longer than 5 seconds when she and her equally dimwitted friend are targetted.
Moreover, what was he doing scrambling around under the bed? Could he actually see the ridiculously contrived flashbacks taking place.
At the beginning of the film his banter with his mates seemed incredibly staged.
How on earth could he possibly get away with all that killing. Afterall, murder is murder, and especially ridiculous as he was not even a French citizen. If i went down to a brother and proceeded to kill all the men involved, regardless of how disgusting their business and morality, I would be banged up in jail! If I did it in another country, I certainly wouldn't be flying home anytime soon afterwards, no questions asked.
Completely one dimensional characters, completely ridiculous story, completely let down.
What happened to BuzzSaw?
He had to split!