Racist? (spolier)

Is the film racist?

An American man gets his young daughter taken in France, to be converted into a drug fuelled prostitute by addiction.

His anger is shown in a distressed but positive light of justice.

From his first encounter of person responsible they are dead.

Then from every further investigation into this syndicate the action is gradually and professionally developed into fighting and murder.

All is justified. now as he finds her, she is given as the "top" woman to be purchased of the highest value, being white and American.

Then before he can finally rescue her, he must kill the people running this. The action develops along with the murder rate of the Arabic speaking persecutors.

As we the audience are led with determination to help the protagonist:

Finally we see in the bedroom of a large expensive Western crafted boat a Muslim man.

We are presented with the figure of vile hate of which his rampant sex drive of persecuting young innocent western women.

The crescendo of the film we a shown a bullet to head and everything is deemed to be justified and okay. Normality can resume again as justice has been done, the daughter can get singing lessons again. Modesty has even been prevailed.

In light of the amount of illegal ground and air invasions on Muslim countries in the last 30 years, mainly to steal their resource wealth, justified with lies like Weapons of Mass destruction. Films like this keep the UN from prosecuting Bush and Blair. Remember it was a propaganda show that got us into all these wars. I am sure studios only green light certain productions that suit their needs like this.

How did people not see this film as racist? Even young people on a sub conscience level would make a mental imprint. How many of you when you first saw this film thought at that end scene with the Muslim man brandish a weapon at the daughter, think hang, isn't this leading the audience to think ***** ???

If anything it is made to such a professional level that even Liam Neeson said on the Johnathan Ross interview that many Americans have congratulated him, that the film taught them not to take their children to Europe.

Stockily to hear that Liam Neeson even questioned on television that he is concerned that people dont travel because of this film


Personally I think you're looking way too much into it. What is intended and what is interpreted are two very different things. An American girl kidnapped by Albanians, operating with impunity from corrupt French cops, sold to a rich Arab Sheikh and because of Western activities in the Middle East you focus on the Arab. In fact even though this movie was released worldwide it's only Americans I've heard piss and moan about the politics.

Incidentally Liam Neeson didn't question anything. He blamed people for not travelling after watching the movie not the movie itself. If people decide that this movie represents what will happen if they leave the US it's their own moronic, ignorant fault.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


Seriously? you wrote all that? Get a hobby.


I don't think it was racist, The men who ran the Auction house I think where not Muslim,
Fact is Arabic rich men have been buying Kidnapped Fair Europeans for over fifteen Hundred years,
