A classic damsel in distress plot
...and it's great! There is a trend these days for feminists to poopoo the "damsel in distress" trope, but if we look at the ratings, women like this movie just as much as men do. In fact, the male and female statistics are strikingly similar, for all age groups. And this suggests to me one thing:
The damsel in distress trope is such a popular trope, precisely because it strikes a chord in us, men and women alike. And I, for one, do not think there is anything wrong with such a trope. It does not get in the way of equal rights and opportunities at all, because not all gender roles are oppressive. No woman is going to be cheated out of being a doctor or an architect because we still like knights in shining armour coming a damsel to the rescue.
This thread was prompted by my being fed up by certain currents in gaming of late, where certain feminists are attacking video games for using "damsel in distress" plotlines in particular.