How the hell do 'poor' people get so fat?
Not only in this movie, but everywhere. I see it every day... huge obese women carting huge obese children to the welfare office. Getting and staying that fat has got to cost a fortune.
shareNot only in this movie, but everywhere. I see it every day... huge obese women carting huge obese children to the welfare office. Getting and staying that fat has got to cost a fortune.
sharePoor people get fat because they cannot afford
1. appropriate medical care
2. nurtition education
3. lean meats and fish, fruits and vegetables
4. Educational, vocational or recreational opportunities that would provide meaning in life so as to not rely on food as a source of comfort.
5. Health and wellness programs to include gym memberships or any type of physical education and health resources including those that promote exercize.
You can find a long list of reasons if you google Michelle Obama's crusade to overcome childhood obesity in the US. Poverty is linked to obesity. Poor people get fat because they are poor.
that still makes no sense. The amount of food that these people need to ingest to become so huge would cost a HUGE amount of money.
shareUh... no. Think of the cheapest foods available. Almost all are terrible for you. There you go, that's why.
shareyou mean the dollar menu at McDonalds? I eat fast food all the time, and I weigh 130 lbs.
shareFast metabolism? Not just that, snack food is very cheap. Fast food is cheap, most people don't handle it as well as you seem to. Also, if you're poor and say, jobless. More likely to sit on your couch eating snack food. I don't see how you can't understand it...
I work in a non-fancy grocery store. My customers who are on Food Stamps tend to buy snack foods and cheap foods (like the $1.50 frozen dinners), resulting in a full grocery cart that totals to around $150-$200. My customers who are rich tend to buy all organic food. A full grocery cart of all organic products tends to run at $450-$500.
So you tell me why poor people are fat.
Your resident grammar nazi :]
You wanted answers, and someone gave you the correct one. Because of fast food. Stop refuting the answer like it's not true, because it is true. These people eat fast food basically everyday for every meal for their entire lives. We studied what is called "food deserts". In poor neighborhoods their is little offerings of healthy choices because they cannot afford it, so instead chains of fast food make up the majority of the food availability.
Check out my videos!
Uh... no. Think of the cheapest foods available. Almost all are terrible for you. There you go, that's why.
...and rich folks who could afford the more indulgent stuff. Seems the trend is reversed as you have pointed out.
shareLike I pointed out before, I work in a grocery store and my rich customers tend to buy all organic and healthy foods, resulting in HUGE totals. My customers who are on Food Stamps or look poor tend to buy the cheapest and unhealthiest items they can.
Hell, I'm poor as dirt and sometimes I have to buy the cheapest thing on the rack. It's not fun but it's a fact of life.
Your resident grammar nazi :]
Correct. Typical Limbaugh listeners. You can't reason with these people because you just can't.
They have an opinion and while you're trying to debate with them, they're trying to convince you.
Limbaugh et al pray on the weak minded because they know they will not look for the facts on their own and are easily manipulated.
How would you explain the nazis, Imperial Japan or even North Korea, otherwise?
nicver And yet Limbaugh listeners follow one of the fattest people around (see also: Glenn Beck listeners).
shareIt's either .99 dollars or 99 cents (or 3.99 dollars/399 cents). Not 3.99 cents or .99 cents.
shareI don't think that's precise. First, I don't think the poor have a monopoly on lazy food choices; it's endemic in the US. There are plenty of decent foods that are affordable. I find buying fresh vegetables more cost effective than pre-prepared crap. What get's expensive is buying pre-prepared foods instead of healthy foods that take 20-30 minutes to cook. So, I do think it comes down to laziness. However, more affluent folks can buy better quality prepared foods.
shareprocessed foods, refined carbs and sugars are the cheapest thing out there to eat.
shareShaun, at the end of the month, say like today? for most people on food stamps all they can eat are complex carbs. Think ramen noodles and mac and cheese. It does make sense if you choose to see it?
Run out of money every mid month and try to survive on nothing. I bet you will eat anything that fills you up as you will be so hungry.
Use your noodle Shaun, this makes absolutely perfect sense. :)
it's probably already been said, but hey:
'cheap' food is not at all healthy, and usually is mostly sugar, colours and fillers... its not like they can afford organic, or lean or 50% less fat items (all of which are more expensive than regular or generic items)...
in the movie, did you not see all that fried food they ate? everyday, all day, fried foods (precious' mum even asks, "aren't you gonna get that frying pan on?" or something to that effect)...
lastly, sitting at home all day watching tv will get you fat no matter what you eat... precious told her counsellor her mum eats and watches tv, then eats and watches some more tv, then eats again.... all day, everyday... how many times nowadays do you hear about the negative effects of 'sedentary lifestyles'?
doesn't take rocket science to figure out why they're so overweight...
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...
Um, no. Not at all. Pretty much every book or article about obesity and America's food system that you could ever find refutes this. Due to a lot of economic factors, including crop subsidies unhealthy, high calorie foods are actually cheaper than healthy, low calorie foods like fruits and vegetables. 99 cent whopper anybody?
shareYou are wrong. Poor people buy fast food and other high-carb food because it's cheap. My late brother never made much money and was morbidly obese from his poor diet of fast food and cheap snacks.
shareGood quality food costs a lot more than unhealthy food. In England the kind of food that is cheapest is always the frozen chips, the turkey twizzlers, chicken nuggets and all of that utter rubbish.
I agree that perhaps it's also an attitude or educational thing, a lot of people born in poverty come from a long line of poverty so education and appreciation of good, healthy food is simply not instilled. Quick, easy, unhealthy food is always the cheapest as it is geared towards the common wide market.
It's horribly exploitative on the part of supermarkets, and good cuts of meat, fish and fresh veg needs to be better placed and have their benefits understood and sold more cheaply. I don't know how this would be achievebale, but it can't go on this way.
Yeah it really is
shareI can see that u r not somebody who going to the grocery store on a regular base to buy food for your family. As somebody menchioned,bad food is the chipest.
sharenot really...junk food is cheap as s*it and every penny they own in the bank is spent on the horrible stuff because it fills a void.
breeding, eating and doing drugs is what these people's lives revolve around since they have nothing better to do with their time.
It's not the amount of food, but the type of food eaten in most cases. Greasy, fried, sugar-loaded food, etc.
What a waste. Oh, the humanity!
Obesity can be a result of eating badlylike consuming only carbs and fats without a proteins and fibre it results
there's no gene for fate...
The biggest flaw in your argument calii927 is that you are trying to blame the reasons that someone actually gets as fat as Precious, on society and their environment. While that is certainly a contributor and medical conditions (i.e. Thyroid) can also cause people to gain weight, but the main responsibility has to fall on the individual. Especially in extreme situations with severely obese people like Precious. They are huge like that for one main reason, and that is they very gluttonous overeaters!
In current day America pretty much anyone (even poor people) can over eat if they so chose. You can provide someone with all the self-help and positive social programs you want, however someone has to WANT to get healthier for themselves. It’s like an addict; you can provide them all the 12 step programs and positive support available, but someone has to want to get sober.
People like Precious (not society) are responsible for their own size. Once she looks in the mirror and decides ‘you know I am really tired of being an unhealthy huge fatso’ and has to want better for themselves. Trying to blame the environment around them is just a ‘cop out‘ by a fat person who actually just wants to remain a giant twinkie gobbling coach potato.
Actually yes, the environment does come into play with poor people.
If you don't have much money you wouldn't buy food from Whole Foods which is healthy organic EXPENSIVE foods. No, you'd pick McDonald's.
It's a choice of either spending more on food or health care. But poor people tend to lack education (not all) to realize this. Besides, it's easier to avoid health care whereas food is something to worry about everyday.
You can tell a lot about a person by his shoes. - Forrest Gump
Clearly you didn't watch Precious, she either ate gluttously even when she was hungry, or she was beaten. Her situation is not clearly so black and white.
sharePoor people get fat because they cannot afford
1. appropriate medical care
2. nurtition education
3. lean meats and fish, fruits and vegetables
4. Educational, vocational or recreational opportunities that would provide meaning in life so as to not rely on food as a source of comfort.
5. Health and wellness programs to include gym memberships or any type of physical education and health resources including those that promote exercize.
You can find a long list of reasons if you google Michelle Obama's crusade to overcome childhood obesity in the US. Poverty is linked to obesity. Poor people get fat because they are poor.
^Bravo!!! Makes perfect sense!
My Love
It is also about addiction. Studies have shown that sugar affects the same part of your brain that heroin affects. Many food addicts and drug addicts share similar mental processes and addictive behaviors.
Your question should not just concern food and obesity but alcoholism, drug addiction etc... all those things are more prevalent in impoverished neighborhoods. And with them come neglect, sexual/physical/emotional abuse, incest, name it.
Why? People are suffering from abusive parents or neglect. Ending the cycle of poverty is INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT. It takes a huge shift in thinking for an individual.
One answer is to offer new mothers parenting classes and support centers. When people are able to give better care to their children, their children have more of a chance of life.
And getting out of neighborhoods where there is intense poverty. By whatever means neccessary, within reason.
The more your children, and you, get a chance to see people living a different life than the miserable one you have the more a chance they have of taking hold of a life like that and ending the cycle of poverty.
It does take an enmormous amount of self-will. on a higher power aka Jesus. :)
My Love
Also poor people also use food banks. I had to use food banks for 2 months earlier this year... they give you Peanut Butter, White pasta, cans of beef stew, cans of corned beef hash, chef boy r dee, and a bunch of other empty carb, high sodium, high fat things. No fresh fruit or veggies.
Pretty much sucked those two month I felt so crappy....
You know why they give them those items, right? I've used a food bank once when I had no where else to turn and needed food. All the items they give you are expired or about to expire, but we all know food stays "good" for a good amount of time after their expiration date. I work in a grocery store and everything that's expired or about to expire gets written off to the food banks and the store gets tax credits. It's a good thing but it's also bad, because, like you said, it's mostly high in sodium items and fatty foods.
Your resident grammar nazi :]
Also, if you're a single mom working double shifts everyday, who then comes home to take care of 3 or 4 kids, sleeps 4 hours, then wakes up and does it all over again - when the hell are you going to exercise? Standing at a cash register , or sitting at a receptionist desk all day, or things of that sort would be very very limited movement for 8-16 hours - People with relatively care-free lives sometimes can't find 30 minutes a day to do anything exercise related.
Or - when are you going to have the time to prepare good, nutritious dinners, even if you could afford the ingredients?
Annddd....if you were worried about 80 million other things - how to survive in general, how to feed your kids ANYTHING at all, how to possibly take care of medical issues, how to pay rent, how to help them in school when perhaps you didn't graduate yourself, finding enough hours to sleep - why would exercising EVER be a priority.
My senior year of college I had two jobs, at least one of them every day of the week, and full time classes. One job was at Wal-Mart, and the pain from standing all day (I think I have crazy feet that made the pain worse for me), was unbearable, and it didn't go away when I woke up in the morning, or sometimes even two days later - it was to the point that I couldn't walk some mornings. I'm not obese, but I would assume the pain could be worse for someone who was. I was so ridiculously worn out all year, that I ate fast food everyday - for time and convenience, and never had time to do any extra movement. I gained quite a few pounds, and have sense gotten rid of them - but that was without having any kids, and without being worried about survival or any concerns really.
I don't get the argument that poor people are unhealthy or fat because they have to eat stuff like McDonald's because it's cheap.
What's cheaper... a pack of spaghetti (like $3 maybe... and would easily feed 4 people), some sauce in a jar (maybe $3 also), and a few vegetables (let's say $5 for that). That's $11. Then some water to drink, which is free.
Now McDonald's for four people... estimating the average meal at $7 or so... that's $28... more than double.
I can also buy entire cooked chickens at my grocery store for like $8... easily four meals worth each in there... then add some rice, which is pretty damn cheap.
So ya... if you're poor and want to save money, I really don't think fast food is the way to go.
You must live in a rich neighborhood. A box of spaghetti is $0.75-$0.99 where I live. Also, you can feed four kids at McD's for $12 ($3 per Happy Meal). I'm not saying it's right... I also don't have children, but that's the reality. McDonald's is what a lot of these kids are growing up on and it's what they crave. If you're a single mother of 3 or 4 and they're all screaming for a Happy Meal and driving you nuts, you're gonna give them their damn Happy Meals and tell them to shut the hell up. At least that's how it is here. Again, I don't agree with it but it's just how it is :/
Your resident grammar nazi :]
It's obvious that you gave a lot of thought to your answer. There are other factors you may not know about.
Many poor neighborhoods don't have large grocery stores near-by to obtain those items. And, most of those poor people don't have cars either. Perhaps their work isn't near a grocery store and they are taking a bus. So, imagine taking two or more buses after working all day to go to a grocery store. Say your feet and body hurts, too. Say, there are average two loads of laundry a day and you don't have a washing machine or a dish washer. Say, you daily come home to a dangerous neighborhood that you just want to get home ASAP so taking a couple of hours to go and grocery shop can be dangerous. Not to mention, trying to carry three or four bags of groceries on the bus and worried about your purse being snatched, too.
Many of these neighborhood only have small, convinence store type mom/pop stores. They may sell fast food like fried chicken or ethnic fast food along side all the sweets and soda and chips.
Sometimes, because of a lack of money, food stamps are sold for cash to pay bills or clothes.
There are many different reasons that make it difficult to eat healthy when you are in a situation like this.
Then, sometimes, a person who knows about growing food gardens moves in the neighbood. They clear a local vacant lot and start growing food for the neighood. Many times they raise chickens for eggs and goats for milk and meat. Then, the owner of the vacant lot makes a headache for them and they lose their garden.
All of these are true stories I have seen in documentaries. Sometimes, people bring in a truck filled with fresh veggies and fruits and sell to people. But you have to be home and not working to be able to buy it.
I have not eaten any fast food for over four years. I know feel ill if I eat it or get good that has MSG and other chemicals in it. There are times I am tired or in pain and don't feel like cutting up veggies and making healthy food. But I know that if I eat commercial pizza or burgers I will feel ill later.
That's another posting just talking about all the chemicals in fast food and cheap food that can affect weight gain.
Not to mention the noise factor of living in a cramped apartment or noisy neighborhood and trying to sleep. Lack of sleep will affect weight gain, too.
If you neighborhood is dangerous, it's not safe to go out and go for walks or exercise either so you stay home and watch TV or do washing.
There are many factors involved and not an easy fix.
Fair points... and I understand that those can all be factors.
I'm lucky to live in a place where for the most part violence and really bad neighbourhoods aren't a factor... and most areas have a big grocery store fairly close by.
But anyway I understand there's more to consider, and it can be tough to consider cooking a decent meal after a long day.
And I agree about fast food and chemicals... I rarely eat it and generally try to eat as much unprocessed food as possible.
how come they can't afford lean meats and fish, fruits and vegetables? Are those items EBT/foodstamp restricted? The other day a big woman was in front of me on line at the Supermarket. she bought TWO LOBSTER TAILS AT A TOTAL OF 40 DOLLARS! she paid for them with food stamps! and to add insult, she was RUDE and uppity to the hard working cashier. After she left EVERYBODY in that line laughed, and made comments like "Hope she enjoys that lobster...WE paid for it, and we're eating hot dogs tonight!" she bought lobster tails, NO FRUITS, NO VEGETABLES, which are the cheapest things in the store. Dont' give me that "they don't know better" crap. SHE knows EXACTLY how to work the system, and she's having a good time. AND SHE WAS A FAT PIG. 40 bucks can feed 4 people for DAYS or longer if they care at all about doing the right thing. No excuses.
All of this is incorrect information.
The only thing that makes you fat is eating over your caloric limit, has nothing to do with not having access to "healthier" foods due to money. The healthiest foods are dirt cheap.
Perfect answer. Thankfully there are people like you in the internets.
shareHow does someone with access to tools of education - namely a computer and the Internet - remain so ignorant?
"My brain rebelled, and insisted on applying logic where it was not welcome."share
Fries, potato chips, macaroni and cheese, grits are very cheap! Feeling full comes before nutrition when you are poor.
Poor people never shop the U of the supermarket only the inner aisles.
The U sections include fresh fruits and veggies, fish, meat,poultry,and dairy.
Exactly chemiche3
"My brain rebelled, and insisted on applying logic where it was not welcome."share
Youre right there are only cheap overpriced dirty delis that sell beefaroni and overpriced canned goods of virtually no nutritional value. You are right Pacific boy. I think I saw some banannas in my dirty deli (near my home and office) in a poor inner city once this year. You are so right Pacific Boy.
shareHey! You make a good point, I read an article about that not too long ago.
shareMcDonalds is cheap
Not so fast. A poor person living in the inner city, especially a young girl, would be taking her very life in her hands to go running around the track outside. You're forgetting many of the poor people live in bad neighborhoods.
Anyway, if you were a poor person living in Precious's situation, what would be the point of getting in shape and losing weight? When you live in circumstances that grim and dire, and food makes you happy, wouldn't YOU eat? You keep saying it's so disgusting that someone would let themselves get to that point...well, I once weighed seventy pounds more than I do now. My father got sick with cancer and then died, and I ate and ate and ate, because it made me feel better. Even when I was doing it I knew I was really harming myself. But I didn't care...I just didn't want to feel so hopeless and empty for a few minutes. People who look at me now don't believe this ever happened, but it did, and I've been there. I know what it feels like not to care what you look like.
You talk about exercise and self discipline...sometimes your life circumstances puts that at the very bottom of your list of priorities. In Precious's mind, and people like her, surviving their situation is at the top of the list. Looking hot so she can attract some guy that will probably leave her with another baby is probably WAY at the bottom. Some people just don't live in the same world you do.
And BTW, you shouldn't eat Big Macs twice a day no matter how you look. You may look thin, but your veins are probably filled with saturated fat and you're about to drop dead of a heart attack. Exercise a little self discipline yourself, there. Thin does not equal healthy. Just food for thought.
"And BTW, you shouldn't eat Big Macs twice a day no matter how you look. You may look thin, but your veins are probably filled with saturated fat and you're about to drop dead of a heart attack. Exercise a little self discipline yourself, there. Thin does not equal healthy. Just food for thought."
THANK YOU! Wait'll the doctor says "lay off the big macs are you're gonna die." Let's see how much self-discipline this guy has then!
Um, categories like "bread" and "grilled meat" are pretty damn broad. A lot of what is labeled "bread" in this country would be labeled "imitation bread" if the laws requiring such items to be labeled this way had not been struck down. As for "some kind of cheese sauce?" Wow, way to support your case for big macs being a-ok. It's clear YOU have no idea what's in a big mac. Really, you argue so badly it's almost like you're TRYING to make yourself look ridiculous.
Oh, and btw, I think red meat is a good food that is healthy in moderation (like many things.) It's frankenmeat I'm against. Oh, and I'm certainly not a "prone-to-be-fatass." I've tended towards being thin my whole life. But just because I could eat two big macs a day without getting fat doesn't mean it's good for me. There are ways to be active and to get all the protein, carbs, and calories you need from healthy sources. How do you think people doing strenuous physical work managed before bic macs, huh? They ate real food. Physically active people with high metabolisms managed to stay nourished before the advent of processed food. Shocking, I know.
But fine. Keep telling yourself that a diet of McDonald's is good for you. You'd be hard-pressed to find a single medical professional that would agree with you, but who needs doctors! Obviously, random douchey frat boys know better.
Oh, and it appears that your free gym that you speak of is actually your university gym. Yes, certainly poor people have no excuse for not availing themselves of such services. Because, as everybody knows, higher education is sooo accessible for poor people.
Seriously, dude. Obesity is something people should be concerned about, but it's pretty clear that you're the last person that has any right to be judging other people's choices and habits when it comes to food and exercise.
"But fine. Keep telling yourself that a diet of McDonald's is good for you. You'd be hard-pressed to find a single medical professional that would agree with you, but who needs doctors! Obviously, random douchey frat boys know better."
He also doesn't seem to recognize that metabolism changes over time. There's a reason a lot of ex-athletes develop the bodies they do. They don't change their diet, but they aren't as active. Just take a look at Diego Maradona.
And as for McDonald's....I would recommend watching Supersize Me to see just what those necessary nutritional elements actually do to one's body.
I'll kill your *beep* dog for fun so don't push me - Natalie Portman
I wouldn't take Super Size Me as gospel, either
shareBig Mac's are a bad example (QP w/ cheese are over-priced too). There are plenty of cheap things on the menu.
Why they haven't lowered the prices of their "premium" sandwiches (which are pathetic compared to the stack of meat you can get at Rallies or Hardees for the same price) is a mystery to me.
I'm guessing you are in your early 20's? I'd be very surprised to see you doing so well on 2 big mac meals a day 10 or 20 years from now. Exercise or not, that *beep* is horrible for you.
Also, where is the free gym? It costs like $300 per year where I live.
This is ****ed. No money, no weed... it's all been replaced by a pile of corpses.
Where the hell is there a gym for free? The cheapest gym where I live is $20 a month (it's trashy as hell) and for some that's impossible. All the rich people here go to the YMCA and it's $50 a person per month. If you make $600/month and your rent is $450 and your electricity is $100 and the rest is left for food, where are you gonna find the money for a gym membership?
Your resident grammar nazi :]
It is kind of sad how McDonalds marketing targets poor minorities. They know damn well that their food is cheap garbage.
It's also a really *beep* place to work.
This is ****ed. No money, no weed... it's all been replaced by a pile of corpses.
Well, going from a great income to unemployment (which is less than 1/3 of what I was making) - I can tell you that inexpensive food is much cheaper than healthy food. I promise this and can assure it firsthand. My diet has completely changed for the worse but I'm just trying to eat less of it.
shareThey eat low-quality inexpensive foods, and refrain from exercise. Healthy life styles are more commonly found in middle and upper class neighborhoods.
shareto eat cheap, fried nasty food that makes her really fat. She even said it herself in the film. She is also pregnant in the film and she has one other child and she´s only 16.
shareExactly OP... you have to look at their diet and lack of exercise. In the movie don't you remember when she stole a big bucket of greasy chicken?! And look at the food her mother had her cooking + her mother was encouraging her to be on welfare and be lazy like her! Did you see her mother doing Jane Fonda workout tapes?! No she was allways laying around the house! Fast food + no exercise= slow metabolism which leads to obesity! It doesn't take a genius to figure this out!
“Marriage is wild. After you say you do, you don't for a long time."
~John Leguizamo~
But you're looking at their diet and lack of exercise from your own vantage point, not the point of view of someone in their situation who has grown up in a poor environment. Again, they are not helpleass victims. But when you are poor, you buy what you can afford. And poverty is correlated with a lack of education. A lot of people in poverty don't think about whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Neither do a lot of middle-income people, either.
share Poor neighborhoods have an increased access to non nutrional food. Ever notice how many fast food resturants are in the inner city? Fast food belongs on the highway and the malls. The idea is to get a quick fast meal on the go. Not dinner. You'll never see any fast food resturants in affluent neighbor hoods.
Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega
Also it's difficult for poor people to excercise, because it's not like they can just go for a jog around their neighborhood without risking get shot or raped or something. Gym memberships cost money. I guess they like do jumping jacks and situps and stuff in their living room but that gets really boring really quickly. Plus, most of the cheapest food is made of refined flour and corn products which just make you fat.
Sometimes the difference between self-amusement and self-actualization is less than you think.
I always thought the reason why poor people were more likely to be overweight was that cheap food is usually bad food however, my opinion on this has changed. Schools have nutritional requirements they have to make and give free breakfasts and lunches to poor students. They are "somewhat" well balanced. I have seen salads, fruit, and milk or juice offered with an entree everyday here. People poor or rich, know what food is bad....
Getting food stamps? You could use them for fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and dairy instead of using them for crap.
If you ask me, food stamps are a waste of money since many people on it abuse it and buy crap with it. If people need food, there should only be direct food banks with healthy selections available.
This story takes place in the 80's.
Plus many incest victims are also over eaters.
Add the fact that Mary played this mindgame at 'mealtime' of having Precious cook up nasty fried food and then make her eat it as a form of abuse and control.
I think a lot of the posters here have missed the point of the OP's post.
It's not as if the ONLY fat people are those that are 'poor.' There a lot of middle class and upper class fat people, too.
AND! There are a lot of thin poor people.
Take economic status out of it; what do they all have in common? They over-eat on the grand scale. It's really pretty simple.
One Big Mac won't make you fat. But three will. One box of Mac and Cheese won't make you fat. But two will. You see? It's really quite simple.
Watch one of those documentaries about someone who weighs 700 pounds. If they chronicle what the person eats, you will be amazed at the quantities. One lady ate two bags of bacon EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
I grew up with an obese brother, who married an obese woman, and they have an obese daughter. His wife maintains that she only eats "three square meals a day" but is very vague about how much food that actually is. One day she told me that she was mad at my brother, because she bought three bag of Oreos, and that in one setting, he ate "his entire bag, and half of Sandy's." Sandy was TWO YEARS OLD at the time. Now, when is it perfectly acceptable to eat an entire bag of Oreos (no matter what age you are)? I don't care who you are or what your economic status is, if you do that, you are a glutton.
I actually am one who believes that these folks have a food addiction. I've discussed it with my brother and he says he feels powerless to stop himself. Same as a junkie.
So it's not about your socio-economic condition, it's about your mind-set (and genetics can also play a part).
If you think school lunches are so healthy, try working in the kitchen at an elementary school like I do. All those choices on the menu sound good, right? Most of the food offered isn't any different than the junk they were serving before. Plus where I work, the cook pours this butter crap from a jug into the veggies we are serving until the veggies are swimming in it. They also add tons of brown sugar to carrots. Still think that's healthy?
The juice is only served at breakfast. Along with sugary cereals and pop tarts. The kids have a choice of milks - white, chocolate, and strawberry. Guess which milks we sell more of? Water? Yeah we sell that to the kids. It's extra, 75 cents extra.
There's a salad bar, but the kids aren't forced to take anything from it. Even if they do, it's all or mostly iceberg lettuce that they them drown in Ranch dressing. Oh my gosh, if you could only see how many huge jugs of ranch we go through. You'd feel sick.
There may be individual schools that are better, but I assure you that my school is not unique in their menus. The company that runs it contracts with schools in a variety of states. Take a look at the ingredient list of the lunch menus sometime. Or, heck, just stop by to see for yourself sometime.
- she probably copped with all her stress and hardships by over eating.
-Plus she was also pregnant (twice)
- Mary was also sort of overweight and she could've inherited that for her.
Watch the movie "Food Inc" for some insight into the phenomenon in our country of cheap food being the least healthy and most fattening.
sharelook @ the grocery store there is even a quality difference between the budget version of mac and cheese and the organic version/vegan version....made with healthier ingredients.
If you are on a budget. are you going to be concerned with your diet or your checkbook?
I used a food bank once and although it made an effort to provide fruits and vegetables I also got a bad case of food poisoning from it. I can see why people would rather starve/attempt to eat low budget and unhealthy. I felt like my insides were being eaten out. Worse cramps than that time of the month.