Took another look - Still convinced he's innocent!!
Hello, I watched Doubt yesterday for the first time in about 3 or 4 years. I was wondering if I would see it differently. Meaning that crucial question - was Father Flynn guilty or innocent. Well, it turns out I see it the same way. Father Flynn did not molest Donald or give him the wine. However, he did have some issues. I believe his issue was that he was gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that - however, a gay priest in 1964?? WOuld've been a serious problem. He leaves the parish because he feels Sister Aloyiousis will continue to rummage through his past and uncover that he is a homosexual. As far as his relationship with DOnald - well I see it exactly as Father Flynn says - he has compassion toward the boy. ANyway - I saw it the same way years ago. Love to hear what other viewers think.......