MovieChat Forums > Unthinkable (2010) Discussion > This film was so brave for including Mus...

This film was so brave for including Muslims

Normally when nuclear terrorism is involved in Hollywood, they go to great lengths to show it was not at all related to Islam. For example, in the TV show "Jericho" where nuclear bombs are detonated throughout America, the people responsible are shown to be "domestic militia, anarchists, and Christian fanatics." .

We ALL know that any terrorism in 21st century America is motivated by Radical Islam. The terrorists themselves may be black (Underwear Bomber) or Russian (Boston Marathon Bomber) or even American citizens, but every terrorist adheres to Islamic faith!

Which bring me to my point, Hollywood is so scared to even show a Muslim as a terrorist, which shows they have as many balls as Younger did at the end of the movie.

Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel...


I take it you have never seen shows such as 24 then?
Regarding the statement that all terrorists adhere to Islamic faith does this include the KKK? Iam sure that their members may disagree!


Just because you're
paranoid it doesn't
mean that they're
not watching.



Not sure whether your facts are correct or not, if they are does it mean that all terrorists subscribe to Islamic beliefs?
Not really, so what is your point?

Just because you're
paranoid it doesn't
mean that they're
not watching.


Hmm you're a little bit mad aren't you?? There are plenty of Christian terrorists in America (people bombing abortion clinics and gay pubs and anyone who is different from them) and plenty of people without any faith kill others every day. I know you said in America but Christians were blowing each other up not so long ago in Ireland!! Terrorism isn't exclusive to Muslims!!


Oh, really? There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of incidents involving Islamic fanatics.

How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Five? Ten? In the last 20, 30 years?

How many "gay pubs" have been bombed? One? Two? (I'm assuming there's been ONE incident, or you wouldn't choose that. I'm actually unaware of any such)

And, much more critically -- when those abortion clinics and "gay pubs" get bombed, how many Christians are seen dancing in the streets in support of it? How many assist the bomber in their efforts to elude capture by the authorities?

And how many Christians immediately decry what is being done and assist in the capture of the bomber? How many would expose the bomber if they had any information to assist the authorities?

THAT is why the two religions are different. Yes, both have fanatics. ONE has many many more fanatics, by a factor of ten to a hundred to one. ONE includes regular supporters of those fanatics. The other has few supporters and many in open, clear opposition to such actions.

WHEN was the last time you saw a protest march by MUSLIMS who were decrying the foul deeds of Islamic fanatics? Did it have more than a dozen or two dozen people in it? Include a link to a reliable source, please, because I've never seen one, and I'd like to know that there are at least a few dozen believers in Islam willing to openly defy the fanatics.


Kkk terrorists killed little black girls with church bombings. 40 years ago. White conservative militia members, ex military, killed 140 people including kids, using bombs, in Oklahoma City.

Thus, not all terrorists are Muslim and nit all rerrorists espouse Muslim ideology.

Therefore, you are wrong.


Are you perchance referring to the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama? This happened not 40 but 51 years ago.

'40 years ago', that is 1974. What happened in 1974? Certainly no structural, frequent KKK-inspired bombing to the same extent we see islam-inspired bombing on a world-wide scale today. Let alone 'Christian-inspired bombing'.

Today, most terrorist bombings, terrorist bomb-suicides, and terrorist beheadings are islam-inspired. There is no denying that. Islam is the one faith responsible for most terrorist actions world-wide today, in 2014. Since the crusades dating one millenium ago, no other religion has ever inspired violence and oppression like islam does today.

Why close our eyes to that apparent fact? Why refer to black pages in US history that are neither recent, nor attributable to a religion?


You're a massive *beep* and a gigantic idiot.

How many "Islamic" terror plots have occurred in he USA? Because that's what was being discussed. Terrorism in the USA.

USA are the biggest terrorists in the world.

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


> You're a massive *beep* and a gigantic idiot.

Thank you. And you are very well-mannered en eloquent.

> How many "Islamic" terror plots have occurred in he USA? Because
> that's what was being discussed. Terrorism in the USA.

You are totally free to limit your own perspective on terrorism, or the causes thereof. Please do not expect everyone to follow.

Christianity, islam and their influences are most certainly not limited to the US. Besides, do you consider 9/11 an 'all-American affair' with no foreign influences?

> USA are the biggest terrorists in the world.

Ah, I thought you did not want to talk about any terrorism outside the US? You are being inconsequential here, Mister G.I.



You are totally free to limit your own perspective on terrorism, or the causes thereof. Please do not expect everyone to follow.

The irony here is *beep* amazing.

More useless rhetoric from an uneducated chimp. I'd advise you to stop watching the O'Reilly factor for your information on world affairs.

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


'Amazing' is that barking dogs in IMDB fora keep on believing they make an impression. Even in the absence of teeth.

Go on, ridicule yourself a bit more. The world is waiting for it.


So typical of the Yanks... too little, too late.

Anyway, debating politics sucks. Sorry I called you bad names.

~ I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


Thank you for your last sentence. If it is sincere, it is appreciated.

This is the first time that someone calls me a 'Yank', by the way. Yanks and I live 8.000 km apart :-)



Could have been any religious group. They're all equally insane, only islam is the worst of them today.


They're all equally insane, only islam is the worst of them today.

Wow. A more blatant example of "GIGO" has rarely been expressed in human history.

If all of them are "equally" insane, then how is one of them "worse" than the others?




Ad hominem attacks doesn't make you more right and all it does is put you forward as an ignorant person who don't know how to have an argument or discussion. If you don't understand my meaning, then I suggest you think about it some more, in the light of recent events in the world of today.




america dropped tactical nukes in afghanistan and iraq in 2001 and 2003, it's only fair if muslims returned the favor.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification
