
It makes me wonder exactly how far they went at Gitmo and Abu Girhab. (Don't know the spelling)

Now a lot of left wingers would hate this sort of thing, and because the U.S. is living in the modern age. We no longer use torture methods.
That would be great if the same could be said for other countries.
The radical Islamists tortured/torture innocent NON-COMBATANTS. At least the people the Americans picked up were caught in the act, possibly a few innocents got through, but people like ISIS take young girls and torture them knowing that they have no information to give them. They do it for propaganda and then call themselves brave after they've burnt a man in a cage to death!

It's all well and good that we've chosen the higher road, it's just a shame the rest of the world didn't get that memo.


you're evil.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


Do you care to explain how exactly?
I don't recall saying that I agreed with it, I also said that in the UK we don't torture people. And yet you call me evil?
Have you even seen the film?


Seriously, why am I evil?
You either can't read, or you're just a troll.
I blatantly said that we don't use torture methods anymore, it's a shame the rest of the world never got that memo.
ISIS are 100 times worse than the CIA, or any other intelligence agencies. They do this stuff for fun. They burn unarmed people in cages, and yet, somehow I'm the evil one?! Lol!

You've got some serious issues.



How exactly am I a liar? And how much power do you think I have over my government?
Are you some sort of idiot?
What am I asking? Of course you are.youre a troll that can't understand the simplest of posts.
I merely wondered how far they went with the torture, as it was pretty horrific in the movie.

I think you're basically a confused twat. Wtf am I lying about?
And what the American's do in Syria has nothing to do with me, nor this post.
Now toddle off to the American Sniper board to continue your rammings.


And yeah, after reading my OP again, there's nothing in there but the truth.
You're obviously a Muslim that thinks Muslims can do no wrong.
Well guess why America are bombing Syria now? Yep, because of RADICAL Muslims.
Now either learn to read, or jog on you mug.


only idiots use the t word, and i don't even have to answer you because you exposed your lies yourself in your first post. just google abu gharib images to know how far they went in torture, and how "high" is your moral road, hypocrite. what ever indians or veitnames or muslems did wrong, it's clear who's the aggressor and the greater evil.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


[Abu Girhab (Don't know the spelling.)]

Do they have Google yet where you are?


Firstly its been confirmed the world over that ISIS is the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Every media campaign of there's is printed or filmed in 1080p in Washington or Tel Aviv. Its just another boogie man to keep you shttng your pants like bin laden, taliban etc., while the the guise of liberation is used to simply rape & pillage countries with the natural resources the west so desperately craves, but doesn't want to pay for. So they steal it by force. Tgeyve been doing it for centuries so Dont believe the BS hype they're feeding your paranoia in this film. Especially from a country who has murdered millions in the last 20years in front of your eyes. WAKE UP!!


Firstly its been confirmed the world over that ISIS is the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Every media campaign of there's is printed or filmed in 1080p in Washington or Tel Aviv. Its just another boogie man to keep you shttng your pants like bin laden, taliban etc., while the the guise of liberation is used to simply rape & pillage countries with the natural resources the west so desperately craves, but doesn't want to pay for. So they steal it by force. Tgeyve been doing it for centuries so Dont believe the BS hype they're feeding your paranoia in this film. Especially from a country who has murdered millions in the last 20years in front of your eyes. WAKE UP!!

You do realize none of this is even remotely true, right? It hasn't been confirmed "world over" that ISIS is the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, but then you know it hasn't, don't you?

Kindly go troll Reddit or what have you. Thanks.
