You are extremely ignorant, and clearly know nothing of Hitler, or Trump, or conservatives and how conservatives are treated in this country, in order to say such ridiculous nonsense.
Antifa acts like Hitler's Brownshirts
Hitler had his citizens disarmed; Trump supports the 2A and what it stands for
Antifa / Liberals tear down and remove statues they don't like, as Hitler did
The mainstream media only tells their viewers what they want them to know (and their never condemning Antifa for their actions because they represent the Leftist agenda is tantamount to condoning their violence), just as the German gov't did. This is why you know nothing of the Left and believe their BS that Trump is akin to Hitler.
Democratic socialistic (and incidentally Muslim) Congresswomen candidly speak out about their hatred of Jews and are not condemned for it, as Germans in high places did
Supporters who wear shirts and hats bearing Trump's name and motto either are or risk being physically harmed, as Jews were.
Trump pleads for unity; the Leftist machine bullies the NYTimes into changing their headline from "Trump Urges Unity v. Racism" to something anti-gun, which is a Leftist agenda (sound like the gov't only wanting people to know what they want them to know? )
The Left celebrates the murder of newborns, calling it "abortion"
Thee Left puts illegal immigrants above U.S. citizens and allows them to vote in our elections in order to help them win their positions
The Left wants to disarm Americans (as Hitler did)
The Left blames Jews, Christians and conservatives, as Hitler blamed the Jews
The Left declares everything will be "free" and will take care of its citizens, as Hitler did
I could go on, but I'm certain a small mind has not only quit reading by now, but has laughed all of this off as false - in denial as the Germans were
It'a gross how you Trump haters overlook your own similarities to Nazis and Fascists in general.